1.        Purpose

Information systems generate large amounts of data that require storage and protection. In the case of single systems (e.g. a single desktop computer), this data is commonly stored on internal storage devices, often a harddrive. Larger and more complex systems, however, require dedicated storage provided by file servers. By centralizing the point of storage, file servers enhance the management, control, and backup of corporate data. The company’s File Server Procedure provides a guideline to IT staff on managing these file servers. Moreover, it offers employees and departments a clarification of file server policy and procedures.

2.        Scope

The File Server Procedure includes all file servers available at the Company. Currently, our company has two file servers in operation. One is located in the IT/Computer room at one factory, while the other is located in another factory. Moreover, the procedure is applicable to all employees at the company who own system accounts, as all account data is stored on the file servers. Lastly, it should be emphasized that this procedure does not include the topics of data backup and incident response, as these are elaborated in other documents.

3.        Owner

The Company, IT.

4.        Policy

  • User’s system accounts store data in and retrieve data from the file servers. The default storage space for user accounts is 50 megabyte. Departments are also assigned storage space according to their specific needs.
  • Users and departments that exceed the maximum storage space will be requested by the system administrator to remove unnecessary data and files in order to free up space. All user- and department-accounts that fail to respond to the system administrator’s request will be locked (i.e., accounts will not be able to store data on the file server).
  • If this appears to be a structural problem, users and departments may request extra storage space using the File Server Space Request Form. Users must obtain approval from their department manager, prior to submitting the form to IT in order to be reviewed by the IT manager for final approval. Departments’ server space is determined as a result of negotiation between the department manager and the IT manager.
  • Regarding folder security, access rights should be set in order to ensure that users and departments can only access their own data. Access to other users’ and departments’ data is strictly prohibited and the IT system administrator should use the technical means available to prevent this.
  • The IT system administrator must be the only person at The Company who has access to all data and folders. Responsible behavior and a professional approach is expected from the IT system administrator in performing his tasks.

5.        Roles and Responsibilities

The File Server Procedure involves the following entities and corresponding responsibilities.

Role Responsibilities
  • The user is responsible for proper management of the data related to his system account. If notified by the system administrator, the user must respond accordingly and remove unnecessary files.
  • The user is recommended to apply for extra storage space if over-quotas appear to be a structural problem.
Department manager
  • The department manager is responsible for reviewing and (dis)approving the user’s request for additional storage space.
  • The department manager is responsible for assessing the storage space requirement of his department and to negotiate this with the IT manager.
IT manager
  • The IT manager is responsible for the final approval of user requests.
  • The IT manager is responsible for evaluating storage space requests of departments and to discuss the possibilities with the department manager.
  • The IT manager is responsible for the final approval of department requests
IT systemadministrator
  • The IT system administrator is responsible for making backups of data on a daily basis.
  • The IT system administrator is responsible for daily checking of the system to identify any anomalies (e.g. file space over-quotas).
  • The IT system administrator is responsible for taking measures in order to correct the anomalies.
IT helpdesk
  • Process any incoming requests related to the file server procedure.
  • Provide forms required for requesting extra storage space.
  • Perform final administration upon completion of the whole process.


6.        Definition and Abbreviations

6.1.     Definitions

File server:                  A high-capacity disk storage device or a computer that each computer on a network can use or access and retrieve files that can be shared among attached computers.

6.2.    Abbreviations

DM:                 Department Manager

IT:                    Information Technology

ITM:                 IT Manager

7.        Procedure details

7.1.    Procedure definition

7.1.1.     User requires additional storage space

User system accounts at the Company are assigned a default storage space of 50 megabytes on the file servers. However, IT offers these users the option of expanding their storage size if this is required. For example, users involved in large projects may process large files and documents that put additional burden on their storage space. To apply for extra storage space, the user should obtain the File Server Space Request Form from the IT helpdesk. Upon completing this form, the user will need to obtain approval from his department manager. When this is done, the user should submit the form to the IT helpdesk for further processing. The IT manager will review the request and decide whether or not to approve the request. The system administrator is responsible for assigning the extra storage space.

7.1.2.     Department requires additional storage space

Like users, departments may also require additional storage space. The procedure, however, differs from the one described in the previous section. Departments that require additional space on the file server must send their department manager to the IT manager. The department manager and IT manager will then discuss about the specific requirements and possibilities available. When an agreement has been reached, the IT manager will ask the system administrator the assign to expand the storage space size for the department in question.

7.1.3.     Identification and correction of anomalies

This procedure will be performed by the IT system administrator on a daily basis. It involves the checking of the file server for any anomalies.

The system administrator will then make a report of all the anomalies for analysis.

Take for example the case of user system accounts having more data than allowed. The system administrator will contact all users whose accounts exceed the maximum allowed amount of data stored. Accounts of users that remain unresponsive will be locked. These users will not be able to save data to the file server until unlock.

7.1.4.     User requests unlocking of account

To have their accounts unlocked, users must first clean up their account and then contact the IT helpdesk to request unlock. After unlocking, the IT system administrator will inform the user of the current status.

7.2.    Procedure flow charts

7.2.1.     User requires additional storage space


7.2.2.     Department requires additional storage space


7.2.3.     Identification and correction of anomalies


7.2.4.     User requests unlocking of account


8.        References