Although I was layoff, I still needed to work in office in the notification period. I did some clean-up work in our office and threw away several boxes of rubbish to refuse collection point. However, company did not trust my work. Then, HR asked my best friend colleague to check my throw-away stuff; and I went to the refuse collection point with the colleague to show those throw-away stuff. It was really a shame to me.

I wanted to be a responsible person to continue to help company, but company worried I would do bad thing to company. Some company was very means. So, did not over-estimate your reputation and professional ethics; did your work more careful in your layoff notification period in order to avoid any misunderstand.

3 thoughts on “Diary of IT Man – Be careful your work during layoff period

  1. Be easy, GOLDMAN.

    In my suggestion, you should
    1. clock in and clock out on time every working day
    2. prepare a handbook for someone who take over your job tasks. Your company may suddenly ask you for something like this in later days.
    3. make a list of your achievements in this company. You will miss many details, like software versions, date or cost amount if you don’t write it down now.
    4. check everything in computer and room. Only remove those related to your own personal life.

    Best regards,
    DS Yeung

    • Hi DS, Yes, thank for your suggestion. I had a transition plan to handover all my work to my successor. I left the company yesterday. Hope I can get another job soon.

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