Yesterday, I got a big depression due to my general manager (the biggest boss in the factory). I made a minor mistake but was blamed by him several hours. My fault was because not review an internet monthly contract after its expire. However, per the contract term, it would auto-renew after its contract period. The contract cost was cny2600/month for 10M broadband.

My boss treated this matter in serious way, seem over-reacted, and blamed me that I (as an IT manager) had to review all IT contracts timely and accurately. When your boss was in bad mood, you have better not to argue with him, and just say “sorry” and “yeah”. At last, he instructed me to do the following and treated me like a no experience staff: 1) search the up-to-date market price of internet; 2) measure our requirement on the broadband (10M, 20M or 30M); 3) ask China Telecom salesman to come on-site to negotiate about contract cost; 4) write minutes about the meeting with salesman; 5) he need to review the contract before signed.

Maybe my boss targeted me as a next layoff person, while I also prepared myself to leave the company anytime. Anyways, I will still try my best to do my job well. Hope there is no another chance that my boss finds my other fault. God bless.

Finally, this kind of bad boss made me a terrible nightmare, and he might cause me psychological problem. Because of my health, I should try my best to leave his supervisor. Good Luck to myself.

3 thoughts on “Diary of IT Man – Bad Boss

  1. Hello Goldman,

    I like your diary. Just like you, I worked in Shenzhen for 15 years since graduation from CUHK, handling IT, Admin and production safety for my HK employer, until 2017. Now I work as an IT in-house back in Hong Kong.

    I wish that you could get out of a bad mood. You were asked to complete tasks that you could do well. You can just do it, no matter what your boss said.

    You are very knowledgeable and experienced. I believe you are having a high salary and in the management level. It is wise to keep this job.

    However, we know that most factories in China are having tough time. Employers in secondary industries are likely to act with prejuice to IT. We will hardly obtain the budget to improve the sites, and to purse our IT satisfaction.

    As we are growing older in age, we must keep reaching new achivements from time to time. We must have something in hand, showing that we still have the ability and energy to face new tasks and challenge.

    Please don’t spend all your time in routine management job. I just take a look at JobsDB. There are only 16 job ads about IT in Mainland China. You should make some preparation to get a local job.

    If you can get another job vacancy, a good one, station in China, congraduation.

    Or, with good preparation, you can start a happy local career.

    Best regards,


    • Hi DS Yeung,

      Sorry that I missed your message for a long time. Luckily, I read your message and got your encourage. I just layoff by company, and hope I can get another local job in Hong Kong soon.

      Wishes you have a stable and prospect IT job in Hong Kong.

  2. Hello Goldman,

    Very happy to see your reply.
    Thinking more about second income is absolutely right. Our talent is not limited in IT. There should be many activities out there which can bring us income and satisfaction.

    Now I get myself an in-house IT job in Hong Kong. Compared with the many years in Shenzhen factory, working life in HK is challenging and exciting.

    Best regards,

    DS Yeung

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