Diary of IT Man – Quantum Computer will be maintstream of next generation of computer

Recently, I started to learn quantum engineering, quantum computer will become maintstream in IT development by 2023 because its performance exponentially faster than current computer. Currently it is using in field of on encryption, protein folding simulated, new medicine and treatments, etc. Its programming technique is very different from current one, I just finished a certification of Quantum Computing & Quantum Physics course, which taught about Quantum Cryptography, and Quantum Physics with Microsoft Q# (Q Sharp) & IBM Quantum Experience.

How fast are Quantum Computers? A 64-bit quantum computer can process 36 billion billion bytes of information in each step of computation. Compare that to the 8 bytes that your home computer can process in each step of computation!

Comparison of MySQL and MongoDB

MySQL Db is a structure Db for traditional application usage (or old application) such as ERP system, CRM system, etc. MongoDB is a non-structure Db for nowadays big application such as Instagram, etc.

Characteristic comparison as below:

MySQL: More Mature, Table Structure, Requires a Schema, Great with Relationships, Scales Vertically.

MongoDb: Shiny and New, Document Structure, More Flexible to Changes, Not Great with Complex Relationships, Horizontally Scalable.

Workarounds for SQL Server Parameter Sniffing

Now being exposed to the problem here are a few methods to address it: • Create SQL Server Stored Procedures using the WITH RECOMPILE Option

 • Use the SQL Server Hint OPTION (RECOMPILE)

 • Use the SQL Server Hint OPTION (OPTIMIZE FOR)

• Use Dummy Variables on SQL Server Stored Procedures

• Disable SQL Server Parameter Sniffing at the Instance Level

 • Disable Parameter Sniffing for a Specific SQL Server Query
