odoo Setup Tips

1. How to commend out coding in qewb xml files?

 use <!– cccccccc –> like html

2. How to redirect company(Internal User) to website home page

as above link described

3. Setup to redirect all user to home page after logon:

Setting -> Technical -> User Interface -> Views -> Search Login -> Edit -> redirect value= “‘/'”

4. Delete the Odoo Promotion Message in footer

WebSite Setting -> Customize -> HTML/CSS/JS Editor -> Find “… Promotion Message” -> comment out the Power by message as     <!–                    ..>

5.  3 user types

  1. Internal users can have full access to Odoo applications
  2. Portal users could be customers or suppliers (with access only to relevant documents)
  3. Public users can only access the website

6.  User Groups

There are three groups for sales

  1. Sales Administrators (Managers)
  2. Sales / User: All Documents
  3. Sales / User: Own Documents Only

7.  POS Start Session Error

Validation Error

All available pricelists must be in the same currency as the company or as the Sales Journal set on this point of sale if you use the Accounting application.

Pycharm configuration error for odoo 14

Problem I got the following error when I configured odoo 14 under Pycharm


C:\Users\Administrator\PycharmProjects\odoo1Project\venv\Scripts\python.exe “C:/Program Files/Odoo 14.0.20210331/server/odoo-bin” –conf C:\Users\Administrator\PycharmProjects\odoo1Project\odoo.conf

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File “C:/Program Files/Odoo 14.0.20210331/server/odoo-bin”, line 5, in <module>

    import odoo

  File “C:\Program Files\Odoo 14.0.20210331\server\odoo\__init__.py”, line 75, in <module>

    import PyPDF2

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘PyPDF2’

Process finished with exit code 1

Solution:  Try to install those following and re-run, which should solve the problem

pip3 install werkzeug==0.16.0

pip3 install pypiwin32

pip3 install libsass==0.12.3

pip3 install Babel decorator docutils ebaysdk feedparser gevent greenlet html2text Jinja2 lxml Mako MarkupSafe mock num2words ofxparse passlib Pillow psutil psycogreen psycopg2 pydot pyparsing PyPDF2 pyserial python-dateutil python-openid pytz pyusb PyYAML qrcode reportlab requests six suds-jurko vatnumber vobject Werkzeug XlsxWriter xlwt xlrd

pip3 install PyPDF2

pip3 install polib

Result: I can successfully start odoo under Pycharm as below diagram

Comparison on odoo online, odoo.sh, On-Premise for community and enterprise versions

Recently, I re-picked up the odoo application. I started to use it five years ago, and at that time, its performance was slow and not quite well for usage. Currently, I found that it had a lot of improvement; its function covers many different area from HR, CRM, ERP, e-commerce, POS, helpdesk, project management, online booking, etc. I just got a cert on completed an odoo course. I think it is the right time to invest my time on odoo now, and hope that I can become a freeance on odoo support.

Odoo.sh is an advanced platform compared to Odoo online. Odoo online provides an instance of Odoo basics constraining the users with the usage of same level features provides by Odoo ERP. In Odoo Online platform, there is no provision to use any custom add-ons or custom development of the software which is required by almost every client on this earth as their processes are different, their business workflows are different. Odoo online is not that flexible compared to odoo.sh, as the installation of custom modules is not supported in Odoo online. We can only make the availability of Odoo pre-set modules here. Odoo.sh is scalar in nature allowing the installation of custom modules and further customizations.

Quick/Easy SetupYESYES
Easy maintenance of certified AppsYESYES
Guaranteed 99.9% uptimeYESYES
Automated backupsYESYES
Email ServerYESYES
Odoo certified AppsYESYESYES
Third-party AppsYESYES
Server ControlYESYES
Built-in Developer and System Administration toolsNOT NEEDEDYES

For on-premise installation, it has Odoo Community and Enterprise version. Odoo Community Edition is the free basic version of Odoo supported by open source software. Odoo Enterprise Version, on the other hand is a paid and upgraded version that is more suitable for high value, niche market. Odoo Enterprise Version offers unlimited functional support, version upgrade and Public or Private Cloud hosting in contrast to Odoo Community Version. High speed and performance also differentiate Odoo Enterprise version from Community version.

General Support FunctionEnterpriseCommunity
Unlimited Functional supportYesNo
Upgrades (including your database)YesNo
Public and Private cloud hostingYesNo
User InterfaceEnterpriseCommunity
Desktop – Web BrowserYesYes
Mobile version – Android and Apple phonesYesNo
Studio AccessEnterpriseCommunity
Screen CustomizationYesNo
Report DesignerYesNo
Menus EditorYesNo
Apps CreatorYesNo
Sales ManagementEnterpriseCommunity
Relationship Management (CRM)YesYes
Sales quotations and ordersYesYes
Customer Portal and online paymentYesYes
Digital Phone (VoIP) IntegrationYesNo
Document ManagementYesNo
Digital, Subscription and Rental ProductsYesNo
Field servicesYesNo
Repair servicesYesNo
Cohort, Dashboard, and Map ViewEnterpriseCommunity
Kanban, list, calendar, and bar graph viewYesYes
new cohort, dashboard, and Map viewYesNo
Inventory ManagementEnterpriseCommunity
Purchase ManagementYesYes
Barcode supportYesNo
Shipping ConnectorsDHL Express, UPS, USPS, FedEx, BPost, EasyPostYesNo
Inter-company AutomationYesNo
Accounting ManagementEnterpriseCommunity
Invoicing & PaymentsYesNo
Full Accounting(Bank Statement Imports, Billing Digitalization, Budgets,Checks, Consolidation, Localizations, Reports, …) YesNo
Manufacturing ManagementEnterpriseCommunity
Resource Planning (MRP)YesYes
Advanced Resource Planning (MRP II)-Work center Control Panel and SchedulingYesNo
Internet of Things (IoT)- Cameras, Footswitches, Scales, Measurement ToolsYesNo
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)YesNo
Shipping Connectors- DHL Express, UPS, USPS, FedEx, BPost, EasyPostYesNo
Project ManagementEnterpriseCommunity
Projects and TasksYesYes
Timesheets and task logsYesYes
Planning and ForecastingYesNo
Human Resource ManagementEnterpriseCommunity
Employee DirectoryYesYes
Employee ReferralYesNo
Departments DashboardYesNo
Point of Sale ManagementEnterpriseCommunity
Retail Point of SaleYesYes
Restaurant Point of SaleYesYes
Loyalty Programs and Gift CardsYesNo
Website BuilderEnterpriseCommunity
Website BuilderYesYes
Form BuilderYesNo
Call-to-Actions BlocksYesNo
A/B TestingYesNo
Web Store and Shopping CartYesYes
Shipping ConnectorsDHL Express, UPS, USPS, FedEx, BPost, EasyPostYesNo
Amazon ConnectorYesNo
Automatic Sales TaxYesNo
Marketing ManagementEnterpriseCommunity
Events ManagementYesYes
Email MarketingYesYes
Live ChatYesYes
Social media MarketingYesNo
SMS MarketingYesYes
Marketing AutomationYesNo
Lead ScoringYesNo
Email Marketing TemplatesYesNo
Google Integration- Accounts, Calendar, Docs, SheetsYesYes
Fleet ManagementYesYes
Web Services Integration (API)YesYes
Online Appointment SchedulingYesNo

Price Comparison for Hosting Plan

According to the price comparison of hosting plan between hostgator.com and contabo.com , hostgator is cheaper, but it does not support script installation. Hence, it may a good choose to use contabo for manual application installation, such as install odoo. Moreover, as compare to AWS and Alicloud, these two will be more expensive than the contabo hosting plan.

Internet Fraud

Recently, I received an internet fraud email and phone call that my blockchain.com ewallet had profit and they could provide assistant to draw money. They used anydesk.com software to remote to my PC and shew that I had the following amount of money (as below diagram), then, asked my VISA card number and logon to on-line bank. Actually, that ID was not mine, so I stopped their assistance. It should be an internet fraud. Be careful.

Diary of IT Man – iChing Divine the Situation of US on 1/20/2021

Jan 20 will be the public ceremony of next US president. At this moment, it is big chance that Joe Biden will become the next US President; however, many evidences shew that his group cheated in the US president election.
It is really pity that it is unfair to Donald Trump, hence,I divine what will happen on that day as below.

  1. What will be the situation of US ?

Hexagram name: Fengze Zhongfu (卦名: 風澤中孚)

Fortune: Treat people with sincerity in everything, good for everything with faith, and evil thoughts will get bad result. Hope good guys more than bad guys in US, then, US will keep on good; otherwise, it will turn to bad

2. Will Joe Biden be the next US president ?

Hexagram Name: Li is Fire (卦名: 離為火)

Fortune: The appearance is exuberant, and it is the image of the scorching sun. Li Gua is about losing vigilance and encountering undue setbacks. It is not good for Biden, and I wish it will become true that Biden leave the US president position.

Diary of IT Man – 1/6/2021 is a Big Day for United States (Divine if Trump Continue as the President of US)

Information from -> https://www.skywaycare.com/en/using-healys-iching-analysis-program-to-analyze-trump-to-continue-as-the-president-of-the-united-states/ which use Healy’s iChing Analysis Program to
divine if Trump Continues as the President of the United States

Hexagram name: Kun is the earth

Change of Gua: Xiantian Bagua No. -> Kun is 8, 16:06pm Shen Shi is 9
Total addition and division 6 = (8 + 8 + 9) / 6 = 4 remaining 1
The ninth day/the sixth day of the month: The speech: Lushuang, the ice is very hard.

Prediction: Kun’s original meaning is supple, and now it is better to use static braking for better results. Now is a difficult time, but after the change, it is like the wind rising from the ground. The boots and the steps gradually rise, climbing from low to high, gradually growing, so it will be to better in future.

IT人日記 – 英國國民(海外)護照(BNO)的五大稅項

1. 入息稅(Income Tax)

2.國家保險(National Insurance)

3. 增值稅(Value Added Tax,VAT)
此為對英國境內商業交易所徵收的稅項,針對大多數商品和服務的標準稅率(Standard Rate)為20%;對家庭用電或者汽油等,會徵收低稅率(Reduced Rate)為5%;在少數情況下,如外帶食物及童裝等,則不用繳付此稅。在商家為貨品定價時,就已經將VAT包含在價格內。

4.市政稅(Council Tax)

5.資產增值稅(Capital Gains Tax)

針對物業及其他個人資產的CGT免稅額分別為12,300及6,150英鎊。基本稅率納稅人出售出租住宅物業的CGT稅率是18% , 出售其他資產則為10%;高稅率納稅人出售住宅物業的CGT稅率是28% , 出售其他資產則為20%

值得留意的是,英國稅局採用「Pay As You Earn」(PAYE)系統,經僱主向員工收取個人所得稅和國民保險費,除非該公司所有的員工的周薪都少於120英鎊,並沒有從公司獲得任何福利,否則員工每月出糧已會被扣除一部分薪金,由僱主代繳上述兩項稅務。




在考慮如何重組資產前,讀者首先要理解英國稅例的一些基本知識。在英國稅例上,「國藉」(Citizenship)、「居民」(Resident)和「定居」(Domicile)是3種完全不同的概念。在英國一年居住超過183日,即使是外國人,也會成為英國居民(UK Resident),在英國及海外的收入及資產增值都需要徵稅;反之,即使你持有英國國藉,但在該稅務年度在英國居住少於16日,或在海外全職工作而當年在英國居住少於91日,便自動被定義為非居民(Non-resident),只有在英國的收入及當地的物業資產增值需要徵稅。

「定居」(Domicile)的定義則比較廣泛,主要影響遺產稅(IHT)的涵蓋範圍。以BNO移民人士為例,如果已經切斷了和本身定居地(香港)的「個人連繫」(personal links),基本上在居住兩年後便會被定為以英國為定居地,在英國及海外所有的資產都會跌入遺產稅的稅網。現時英國的資產增值稅(CGT)為10%至28%,遺產稅為40%,個人所得稅(Income Tax)高達45%,預計10月後更會上調。移民的時機及事前資產如果處理不當,除了嚴重影響移民後的生活質素,更有機會為下一代帶來不必要的稅務負擔。






資產完成初步整理後,便可以進一步考慮如何通過不同的理財工具進行稅務規劃。首先是遺產稅的問題,現時英國的個人遺產免稅額(Nil Rate Band)為32.5萬英鎊,自住物業留給子女可以多獲額外17.5英鎊免稅額(Residence Nil Rate Band),以上的部分便要按40%徵稅。如果在生前以Lifetime Gift的方式轉贈給子女,在英國稅例上稱為Potentially Exempt Transfers(PETs),這些資產的確可以避開遺產稅,但需要在離世前7年進行,否則依然會按比例被徵稅。

有些人會在移民前先行將資產交給子女,看似也是合法避稅,但兩種做法其實都只是將遺產稅的責任轉交給下一代,根本並沒有解決問題。其實,在英國稅例上,有一個稱為Excluded Property的概念,就是如果持有人在處理資產時(Settlement)並沒有「定居」身份(Non-Domicile),英國以外的資產都不會被納入遺產稅的稅網,即使之後成為Domicile身份,這些資產都可以永久免稅。最常見的做法是通過在英國以外成立離岸信託(常被稱為Excluded Property Trust),在移民前的「黃金時間」,先行將資產轉到信託名下,自己成為信託受益人,如果配合Portfolio Bond的運用,更可以控制信託費用低至每月數百港元,合法延遲甚至減低增值稅和個人所得稅,同時逐步提取資金運用。

在考慮如何重組資產前,讀者首先要理解英國稅例的一些基本知識。在英國稅例上,「國藉」(Citizenship)、「居民」(Resident)和「定居」(Domicile)是3種完全不同的概念。在英國一年居住超過183日,即使是外國人,也會成為英國居民(UK Resident),在英國及海外的收入及資產增值都需要徵稅;反之,即使你持有英國國藉,但在該稅務年度在英國居住少於16日,或在海外全職工作而當年在英國居住少於91日,便自動被定義為非居民(Non-resident),只有在英國的收入及當地的物業資產增值需要徵稅。

「定居」(Domicile)的定義則比較廣泛,主要影響遺產稅(IHT)的涵蓋範圍。以BNO移民人士為例,如果已經切斷了和本身定居地(香港)的「個人連繫」(personal links),基本上在居住兩年後便會被定為以英國為定居地,在英國及海外所有的資產都會跌入遺產稅的稅網。現時英國的資產增值稅(CGT)為10%至28%,遺產稅為40%,個人所得稅(Income Tax)高達45%,預計10月後更會上調。移民的時機及事前資產如果處理不當,除了嚴重影響移民後的生活質素,更有機會為下一代帶來不必要的稅務負擔。






資產完成初步整理後,便可以進一步考慮如何通過不同的理財工具進行稅務規劃。首先是遺產稅的問題,現時英國的個人遺產免稅額(Nil Rate Band)為32.5萬英鎊,自住物業留給子女可以多獲額外17.5英鎊免稅額(Residence Nil Rate Band),以上的部分便要按40%徵稅。如果在生前以Lifetime Gift的方式轉贈給子女,在英國稅例上稱為Potentially Exempt Transfers(PETs),這些資產的確可以避開遺產稅,但需要在離世前7年進行,否則依然會按比例被徵稅。

有些人會在移民前先行將資產交給子女,看似也是合法避稅,但兩種做法其實都只是將遺產稅的責任轉交給下一代,根本並沒有解決問題。其實,在英國稅例上,有一個稱為Excluded Property的概念,就是如果持有人在處理資產時(Settlement)並沒有「定居」身份(Non-Domicile),英國以外的資產都不會被納入遺產稅的稅網,即使之後成為Domicile身份,這些資產都可以永久免稅。最常見的做法是通過在英國以外成立離岸信託(常被稱為Excluded Property Trust),在移民前的「黃金時間」,先行將資產轉到信託名下,自己成為信託受益人,如果配合Portfolio Bond的運用,更可以控制信託費用低至每月數百港元,合法延遲甚至減低增值稅和個人所得稅,同時逐步提取資金運用。

Source: https://www2.hkej.com/wm/article/id/2552354#:~:text=%E7%8F%BE%E6%99%82%E8%8B%B1%E5%9C%8B%E7%9A%84%E8%B3%87%E7%94%A2%E5%A2%9E%E5%80%BC,%E4%B8%8D%E5%BF%85%E8%A6%81%E7%9A%84%E7%A8%85%E5%8B%99%E8%B2%A0%E6%93%94%E3%80%82



Four Hints for Office Safety

1.         Bulky objects should not be stored at high cabinets, it should be keep clear for all high cabinets.

2.         Make sure the pathway is clean and clear, please remove all unusable objects along the corridor.

3.         Any broken electrical plugs, sockets or equipment should be removed.

4.         Overloaded sockets should be separated the plug.