Autodesk AutoCAD useful website
Most Critical Software for CAD: 3dsmax, autocad, revit, unreal, sketchup
Critical software function: loft, sweep, revolve, extrud
Importation person: Alex roman
3d printing – .stl – 3d printing file format – shape of file for view & comment for edit
3dsmax plugin (corcona, vray)
datasmith (output of VR file format)
Common microsoft excel formula function
= pi()
sum(), AVERAGE(), max(), min(), count(), counta()
countif(), sumif(), averageif(), ountifs(), sumifs(), averageifs()
today(), now(), time(), workday(), date(year, month,day), edate(start_date, months)
upper(), lower(), proper(), left(), right(), mid(), len(), trim(), search()
vlookup(), hlookup()
(Drones Application of Aerial Photography)
SNMP vs Modbus
SICD 智能資科基控設備- IoT 物聯網- 產品方案
SNMP 與Modbus TCP 通訊協定,可透過SCADA 資料採集與監視系統、圖控軟體、管理軟體進行監測與 … 提供即時監測輸入電壓值(V)、個別接口與總輸出電流值(A)。
Good Introduction Video about Metaverse
The following list the important Stakeholder of Metaverse

7 Tips to Host a Successful Zoom Meeting
Information Source:
1. Make sure to introduce everyone at the beginning.
Just like a real meeting or social event, you wouldn’t initiate a conversation between two acquaintances who haven’t met without introducing them. The same practice applies to a virtual meeting. Be sure to introduce all parties you are hosting at the beginning to create a welcoming environment and stimulate engagement.
2. Ensure that you have a clean, work-appropriate background.
You want your attendees’ focus to be on the meeting content, not your messy office or your amazing art collection. By having a clean setting with work-appropriate art and decorations, you reduce the chance that attendees will get distracted. You should also try to attend the meeting from a quiet area that has minimal background noise and movement. Zoom’s virtual background feature is an easy way to eliminate background distractions when you have to meet in a messy or busy location.
3. Look into the camera when talking instead of looking at yourself.
If you’re looking at yourself on the screen while you’re talking, it will seem like your attention is elsewhere. Direct eye contact into the camera while speaking gives attendees the impression that you are looking at them rather than off to the side, which creates an environment where everyone feels engaged and present in the conversation. Be sure to position your web camera and monitor at eye level so you can look into the camera and simulate that eye-to-eye connection with other attendees.
4. Eliminate distractions and focus on the agenda.
Notifications from messaging applications, ringtones, and applications running on your desktop can be distracting, which can make your attendees feel disrespected and undervalued. Mitigating these distractions helps keep the meeting focused and free from interruption.
5. Be aware of your audio and video settings.
Check whether your microphone is unmuted and that your camera is on to ensure that all attendees can hear you and see you when you speak. If you notice that someone in the meeting is speaking but their microphone is muted, you can alert them that they are muted by requesting that they unmute their audio in the Manage Participants tab. You also can manage how you start and join meetings — with video on, entering a meeting muted, etc. — in your Zoom Meeting Settings.
6. Only invite meeting participants who need to be there.
Inviting co-workers who don’t need to participate or make decisions can be detrimental to the quality of the meeting. Because you can send other stakeholders a summary of the meeting via Zoom Chat, you can limit the attendee list and keep the meeting streamlined. As an invitee, make sure to review any meeting invites you receive to determine whether you actually need to attend. If not, request a recording of the meeting or a summary to get the info you need.
7. If you’re the host, stick around.
The general rule for meeting hosts: Wait until everyone else has left the meeting before hanging up, so attendees can leave at their own pace and get any final words in before disconnecting. Zoom will assign an alternate host if the original host exits first, but it’s not a good look. A host leaving everyone else in the meeting is much like bailing on your own party.
Diary of IT Man (IT人在工廠日記)
我冇做IT工作之後,轉行推廣頻率治療機,以下係我幫Spooky公司錄製嘅Spooky Rife頻率治療機推介youtube視頻,但有些嗚嗚聲噪音,因為當天香港打風,我返唔到公司攞外接咪,所以音響效果唔好,不好意思,好彩仍免強聽到講者聲音,第一次辦講座,講得不流暢,多多包涵,謝謝耐心觀看支持,希望您留言點讚!
此youtube視頻除咗介紹Spooky Rife頻率治療機嘅操作之外,我更加希望帶出一個想法,就是人體係物理同埋化學結合嘅複雜生物,要治療好一個病症應該不只是”治標”,暫時消除病狀應該唔係全面嘅治癒,而我哋應該整體全面評估,採用”治本”的方法,可能要用好多方法配合先至可以成功。我哋有幸成為人類,應該做一個負責任嘅人,努力不懈咁去保養身體和防治疾病,頻率治療一定係其中一個方法。”信念”可能係世界上最強嘅頻率治療方法,有信心去做,永不放棄自然能夠成功!
Diary of IT Man (IT人在工廠日記)
After I have left my MTR job in Feb, I tried to start my business together with another two old colleagues. The business was to promote odoo application, implement ERP/CRM/website project and TVP scheme. Unlucky, we could not close any deal from Mar to Aug; hence, I thought that it was not an potential business for us at that moment because the economic was so bad. I stopped that odoo business in Aug. Now, I am exploring other opportunity. Hope to publish good news here next time.
Discussion on Generating Scalar Wave
Spooky2 and Healy device take advantage of Scalar Wave Energy to apply in their product for healing. Actually, what is Scalar Wave Energy and how to make it ? Let’s discuss in the following.
Common wave shapes include transverse waves and longitudinal waves. In transverse waves, vibrations are at right angles to the direction of wave propagation. Common electromagnetic waves such as visible light, infrared rays, microwaves, and radio waves are all examples of transverse waves. Longitudinal waves are more difficult to visualize because they vibrate parallel to the direction of wave travel. This is because they are pressure waves propagating through a medium (such as air, water, or solid objects). The most common types of longitudinal waves are sound waves, speaker vibrations, and propulsion. And pulling the air between the speaker and you, in your ears, the air will vibrate your ear drums, and you will hear the sound. This is why no one can hear your scream in space, because there is no air to transmit sound. However, light is a transverse wave that can pass through the vacuum of space. This is because it is a stream of particles called photons. Galloping in space. The light bulb emits photons. The speaker vibrates the air in front of it.

The current scientific understanding is that two identical waves converging in different phases will be annihilated. This is called destructive interference. We know this because in experiments with light, the amplitude of the generated wave is zero. When projected on the screen, the dark area can be seen. As long as the wave destructively interferes, the dark area can be seen, but because” Energy is always conserved”, energy cannot be created or destroyed, so it should exist in a form we don’t know.

Nikola Tesla applied for a patent for the two-wire coil in 1894 and used it for pioneering high-frequency power experiments. The two-wire coil is like any other electromagnetic coil, but in this case it is created using two closely spaced wires, which are usually glued together. Double thread is nothing new or exotic, double thread can be purchased in a ready-made reel. However, if these coil-based generators are indeed effective, you will actually create a scalar field instead of a wave, so most of the scalar generators you see on the Internet are actually scalar field generators instead of scalar waves. generator.
Some scientists called Scalar waves as longitudinal electromagnetic waves, but this concept has not been adopted by mainstream science because longitudinal waves are the movement of pressure or vibration through a medium, while electromagnetic waves are particle streams like waves. Since there is no network direction, it does not take any time to propagate from one point to another, which means it can be used to provide super-light-speed communication. Some theories believe that this can also allow the formation of a synchronous duplex link between the transmitter and the receiver, and scalar does represent an undiscovered branch of science.

Another direction of research on scalar theory speculates that these elusive waves can be used for everything from the use of infinite quantum vacuum or zero-point energy sources to the creation of powerful super weapons, such as changing the local weather. Scalar weapons are also related to supernatural phenomena. Supernatural phenomenon researchers believe that scalar may be an unknown energy, which may cause the appearance of phantoms and unexplainable sounds, which may cause human anxiety, nausea, and visual and auditory hallucinations. Scalar wave research is still very new, and it is still not accepted by mainstream science, and it will continue to be studied for generations.