
Best practice to manage Information Technology System in Factory and Manufacturing Environment
我由香港嚟咗英國二個多月,現居M6 6NG的Castle Irwell,家居日常生活基本上安頓好,下一步就是安排工作,我計畫推廣韓國的艾多美Atomy產品,它包括護膚品、家居用品、保健品……等等,唔知有冇網友是艾多美的商家或有興趣加入的朋友? 加盟步驟簡單→ https://www.skywaycare.com/%e8%8b%b1%e5%9c%8b%e8%89%be…/ , 歡迎聯繫我商討吓及了解吓(按此) , 謝謝!
I stopped all my stock investment in May 2022. To summarize my P&L record, I invested on stock market starting from 2009 to May 2022, which I reserved around HK$1m as capital, and maintained the invested amount from HK$400k to 1m. As a result, I made the profit of HK$232k including their interest gain so far. Although it is not a good return, it is still good for unprofessional investor like me.
Date | P&L (HK$) |
9/12/2009 | 2762.83 |
1/12/2010 | -113539.29 |
1/12/2011 | -103313.97 |
1/12/2012 | -89854.34 |
1/12/2013 | -18095.99201 |
1/12/2014 | 20729.69 |
1/12/2015 | 113992.32 |
1/12/2016 | 247371.56 |
1/12/2017 | 413905.46 |
1/12/2018 | 495028.2 |
1/12/2019 | 496411.87 |
1/12/2020 | 237816.62 |
1/12/2021 | 237508.93 |
1/5/2022 | 232822.2 |
I received my first google AdSense earning of HK$800 recently. Actually, it is not easy to earn via AdSense for such low hit-rate blog. It is lucky and thank for my reader’s support.
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Although President Zelensky warned Russia that they would defend, Russia still invaded Ukraine on 24 Mar 2022. It may be a starting point of the third world war. President Vladimir Putin is the big evil of human being; he is too selfish only with mind of invasion and violation. Human False repeats which peace and war appear again and again. Ultimately in worst case, our world destroy (and then rebuild). Putin is absolutely an invader. No one can learn from history.
No key person is willing to stop evil nowadays, our world is in risk. As a common person like us, nothing we can really help. Let’s pray for Ukraine; and also pray that China will not invade Taiwan.
Reference: BBC news about Ukraine -> https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60497510