Video Conference Device Comparsion between Polycom Vs Tandberg

Bandwidth Optimization – Polycom can send 720HD at lower speeds but Tandberg can send more than CIF4CIF7201080, which I’ll take that over the lower HD speeds any day.
Central Admin – Tandbery is great for admin (if you have several hundred end-point, you definitely choose Tandbery. Polycom was beta and their provisioning wasn’t ready yet.
End User Usability – This is real close and I give favor to Polycom.
Reliability/Maintenance – I once had some one tell me Polycom is like Mircosoft and Tandberg is like Cisco. Polycom looks good but has bugs while Tandberg might not be as flashy but is rock solid. I’d pick Tandberg.
Cost – if you could compare apples to apples they’d be close but looking at just the bottom line Polycom is the winner.

Conclusion: If you have only a few connection VC points and have a loose network control (e.g. not using Cisco device), I suggest to use Polycom because it is easy to setup. For company with many VC end-points (say > 50), I will prefer to choose Tandberg which is more security and easy to manage.

Diary of IT Guy in Factory – poor Dongguan beggar

When I go and return from China factory and pass across the china border, I always see some poor beggers on street. Most are disabled, e.g. without arm or leg, I know that this kind of disabled is human-made. Those beggers was controlled and forced by bad guys. They are living in a very very poor life. Please China Government help those beggers.


Odoo System Schedule Backup and Restore Database Setup

This module will be work internally as command line interface (for Linux only) through linux crontab to backup and restore database.

  1. Backup database
  2. Restore as database _TEST
  3. Update image (i.e., with test logo) to _TEST

Just install this module, and it should work. Setup schedule time as you need it. Note: Itself, can also be used as scheduler instead of normal scheduler in OpenERP (you will see this backup and restore as one example).


  • Add, Modify, Delete schedule
  • Direct process through command line interface

Setup Procedure

Menu -> Setting/Technical/Scheduler/Crontab Configuration


  1. Crontab Name – name of crontab

  2. Description – more information

  3. Scheduling – crontab scheduling

    3.1 Minute: 0-59

    3.2 Hour: 0-23

    3.3 Day: 1-31

    3.4 Month: 1-12

    3.5 Weekday: 0-6, where 0 = Sunday

  4. Execute Directory – OpenERP’s root path to be used for log file, Temp File, DB Backup File and etc (depends on type of program)

  5. Command – command to run the program in command line interface pattern, require full path.

  6. Active – when True, will create crontab scheduler in OS. When False will delete it.

  7. Status

    7.1 Draft

    7.2 Confirmed

    7.3 Cancelled

  8. Attach File – Additional files, to be used in process (optional)

Note: crontab scheduler will be created only when State = Confirmed and Active = True

Technical Detail

Backup Database Script:

Use script, (written in Python) -u -d -p


 ‘/home/buasri/workspace/ecosoft_official_addons/ecosoft-addons/crontab_config/’ -u openerp -d TT -p ‘/home/buasri/workspace/openerp_tt’>>’/home/buasri/workspace/openerp_tt/crontab_oe.log’


  1. Create backup database as _dbbackup-YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.dmp
  2. Create file oe_db_last_bkup.txt to be used for restoration

Restore Database Process:

Use script, (written in Python) -u -d -p

-i id of crontab in OpenERP, from table crontab_config -c id of Company in OpenERP, from table res_company


 ‘/home/buasri/workspace/ecosoft_official_addons/ecosoft-addons/crontab_config/’ -u openerp -d TT_TEST -p ‘/home/buasri/workspace/openerp_tt’>>’/home/buasri/workspace/openerp_tt/crontab_oe.log’


  1. Disconnect database to be restored
  2. Delete database
  3. Create new database
  4. Restore it.
  5. Read attached logo file
  6. Resize logo file
  7. Update logo file

IT Routine Work Highlight

IT Routine Work

  • Check Daily Backup
  • Perform Monthly Backup for permanent storage at least 3 years
  • Check the archive and life email client database (.pst file which should not bigger too big, especially outlook 2003 or lower version .pst file should not larger than 2G size)
  • Perform Monthly Email Archive in outlook server
  • Check Backup of ERP system, and clean-up log file if necessary
  • Handle ERP, HR, Email, Share File System, CCTV, Printer, network and phone line routine support
  • Backup machine O/S, VMWare Machine Databases at least quarterly
  • Perform Off-Site Backup Storage
  • Reboot servers at least quarterly
  • New Staff computer preparation for email account creation, share-drive access right, printer, door access card, phone
  • Staff Exist Preparation for email transfer/deletion, backup computer data
  • Handle Ad-Hoc IT project

IT Critical Document:

  • password list
  • Inventory list
  • Internet/External Support contact list

Network Monitoring Software Review

Networks are becoming critical components of business success – irrespective of
whether you are small or BIG. When network fails, customers and employees cannot
communicate, employees cannot access critical information or use basic print or email
services, resulting in productivity loss and revenue loss. Network monitoring software
tools reduce network outages and allow businesses to operate more fluently, cut costs,
and prevent revenue loss. And for those who are small and are not allowed to think of a
budget for network monitoring software, a better alternative is to start with open source
and freeware network monitoring software that reduce the time and money spent on
network administration and management. This paper talks about the top freeware and
open source network monitoring software available today.

[spiderpowa-pdf src=””]Network-Monitoring-Software