Custom TinyWebDB Service

Creating a Custom TinyWebDB Service

TinyWebDB is an App Inventor component that allows you to store data persistently in a database on the web. Because the data is stored on the web instead of a particular phone, TinyWebDB can be used to facilitate communication between phones and apps (e.g., multi-player games).

By default, the TinyWebDB component stores data on a test service provided by App Inventor, . This service is helpful for testing, but it is shared by all App Inventor users, and it has a limit of 1000 entries. If you use it, your data will be overwritten eventually.

For most apps you write, you’ll want to create a custom web service that isn’t shared with other App Inventor apps and programmers. You need not be a programmer to do so– just follow the instructions below and you’ll have your own service within minutes.

To create your own web service, follow these instructions:

  • Download App Engine for Python at . After installing it, run the GoogleAppEngineLauncher by clicking its icon.
  • Download this sample code. It is a zip file containing the source code for your custom tinywebdb web service
  • This code is setup to run with App Engine using Python 2.7, so you’ll need Python 2.7 on your computer. To check your version of Python, open up your Terminal and type in python. If you don’t have the right version, you can download it from here
  • To make sure that App Engine is configured to use it, in App Engine Launcher, choose Preferences and then put in path to Python2.7 (On a Mac, this might be something like /usr/local/bin/python2.7 )
  • Unzip the downloaded zip file. It will create a folder named customtinywebdb. You can rename it if you want.
  • In the GoogleAppEngineLauncher, choose File | Add Existing Application. Browse to set the Path to the customtinywebdb folder you just unzipped. Then click the Run button. This will launch a test web service that runs on your local machine.
  • You can test the service by opening a browser and entering “localhost:8080” as the URL. (NOTE: if you’ve already created a web service, the port number (8080) may be different the second time, check the table in Google App Engine Launcher to see what Port number you should use).
  • You’ll see the web page interface to your web service. The end-goal of this service is to communicate with a mobile app created with App Inventor. But the service provides a web page interface to the service to help programmers with debugging. You can invoke the get and store operations by hand, view the existing entries, and also delete individual entries. NOTE: If you are having problems creating a web page, click the Logs on the App Engine screen to diagnose the error.

Congrats, you’ve now made a webpage for your app. But your app is not yet on the web, and thus not yet accessible to an App Inventor app. To get it there, you need to upload it to Google’s App Engine servers.

  • In the GoogleAppEngineLauncher, choose Dashboard. Enter your Google account information and you’ll be taken to an App Engine dashboard.
  • Choose Create an Application. You’ll need to specify a globally unique Application Identifier. Remember the Application identifier as you’ll need it later. Provide a name to your app and click Create Application to submit. If your Identifier was unique, you now have a new, empty app on Google’s servers.
  • Open a text editor on your local computer and open the file app.yaml within the customtinywebdb folder you unzipped. Modify the first line so that the application matches the application identifier you set at Google.
  • In GoogleAppEngineLauncher, choose Deploy and follow the steps for deploying your app.
  • Test to see if your app is running on the web. In a browser, enter, only substitute your application identifier for myapp. The app should look the same as when you ran it on the local test server. Only now, it’s on the web and you can access it from your App Inventor for Android app.

Your App Inventor apps can store and retrieve data using your new service. Just do the following:

  • Drag in a TinyWebDB component into the Component Designer.
  • Modify the ServiceURL property from the default to your web service.
  • Any StoreValue operations (blocks) will store data at your service, and any GetValue operations will retrieve from your service.

Information source: 1)


















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Server Window Update Procedure

Section 1: Introduction

Because window update will impact to server operation, we should handle it carefully. According to the Microsoft paper of “Best Practices for Applying Service Packs, Hotfixes and Security Patches” as appendix in this document, we should apply the patch on needs base, and may not necessary to apply all patches. Moreover, we need to test the patch in testing server before applied to production server. Furthermore, because some application servers may have negative or unforeseen impact after patch update, we advise not to perform window update in application server. Let’s describe the window update procedure in following section for your reference.

Section 2: List of Servers to Window Update

The following servers will be included to perform the window update as below:


Server Name Install ip Machine Type & Usage

Exclude list : We did not perform the window update in application servers, because it is difficult to evaluate the impact of patch to the application operation. However, if we decide a window update is critical and is necessary to apply, we have to test it in a testing server; then apply to production application servers after testing okay.

Normally, we will exclude the following servers from window update because we installed business application software in them.

Server Name Install ip Machine Type & Usage


Section 3: Schedule to Perform Window Update

We plan to perform window update in servers monthly. In order not to affect the month-end operation, we plan to do it during non-office hours in second or third week of a month.

Section 4: Test-Run the Window Update

1. Backup a virtual testing server in PRC via VM snapshot function

2. Run the “Check for Updates” option as below diagram:

  • Generate a list of Window Server Patch Update and review its content as below diagram.

Update Patch List:

Patch List Plan to Update (yes/No) Remark
KB4041083 Yes
KB4049016 Yes
KB4054518 Yes
KB4052978 Yes
KB4033342 Yes
KB2823180 Yes
KB890830 Yes

3. Perform the patch update in the testing server, and report the result as below green highlight column:

Patch List Plan to Update (yes/No) Testing Result   (Pass/Failure)
KB4041083 Yes
KB4049016 Yes
KB4054518 Yes
KB4052978 Yes
KB4033342 Yes
KB2823180 Yes
KB890830 Yes  

4. Resolve any issue if necessary; or not plan to update any issue patch

Section 5: Apply Patch in Production Servers

  1. Backup Virtual Servers:

Local-IT team will create VM snapshot for the following virtual servers:

Server name Install ip Machine Type & Usage Server Backup

2. Patch Update PRC Servers:

Local-IT team will perform Patch Update for virtual servers as below list. We will schedule to patch those servers during non-office hour (e.g. 7:00pm during week-day). If reboot require after patch update, we will also reboot during off-office hour.

Server Name Install ip

3. IT team will perform Patch Update for Hardware servers as below list.
We will schedule to patch those servers during non-office hour (e.g. 7:00pm during week-day). If reboot require after patch update, we will also reboot during off-office hour.

Server Name Install ip

 4. Trouble-Shoot to solve any issue; maybe roll-back the server image or uninstall patch if necessary.

        5. Update the “Patch ID and Date” in below two log tables as highlight in green columns:

Server Patch Update Log
Server name Install ip Machine Type & Usage Server Backup Patch ID & Date


Appendix: Best Practices for Applying Service Packs, Hotfixes and Security Patches

Reference information from as below:

Service packs, hotfixes and security patches are updates to products to resolve a known issue or workaround.

Moreover, service packs update systems to the most current code base. Being on the current code base is important because that’s where Microsoft focuses on fixing problems. For example, any work done on Windows 2000 is targeted at the next service pack and hotfixes are built against the existing available base.

Individual hotfixes and security patches on the other hand should be adopted on a case-by-case, “as-needed” basis. The majority of security updates released are for client side (often browser) issues. They may or may not be relevant to a server installation. Evaluate the update, if it’s needed, then apply it. If not, assess the risk of applying or not.

  • Apply updates on a needs only basis.

One of the common misconceptions about Microsoft updates is that they are mandatory and/or urgent.

All updates, regardless of their type (whether they are service packs, hotfixes or security patches), are to be applied on an “as-needed” basis. They need to be evaluated individually and treated as important optional updates.

Especially with security patches, the expectation is that it must be an urgent issue and must be deployed quickly. Without trying to detract from the urgency, security patches are very much a relative update; for example, customers using solely Windows NT4 can ignore a patch for a security vulnerability in Windows 2000. However, if the issue is relevant and does plug a security hole, then it should be evaluated urgently.

Only when it addresses or fixes an issue being experienced by the customer should it be considered. Of course, it still needs to be evaluated before being installed.

  • Testing.

The prior points really assist in giving you a feel (before installing) for the potential impact, however, testing allows for the “test driving” and eventual signing off of the update.

Service packs and hotfixes must be tested on a representative non-production environment prior to being deployed to production. This will help to gauge the impact of such changes.


How to start mining via Antpool &

information source:

Connect Antminer S9/T9/S7 to Pools – Antpool/

Connect to Antpool




2. Enter your User ID and password for to log into Antpool or register a new account.


3. Click the “Bitcoin”at the upper left of the page. Go to the Settings tab and add a Sub-Account via the button on the right.


Sub-account must contain only the letters or numbers


4. Enter the default IP address of the ANTMINER  – Go to the login page, enter the user ID: root, password: root.

5. Click Miner Configuration, you can fill in 3 groups of mining pool. If the first group is dead, then, it will automatically pointed to the second group. You could fill first 2 groups with Antpool, the third one with

Below is the configuration of Antpool:


Worker Format: sub-account.miner name

Example: If your sub-account is “antminer”, then your miners could be set up as antminer.1, antminer_1, antminer.2, etc. The miner order will be sorted by the miner name.

Password: (Blank). if you change addresses in bulk, fill it as 123.


Click Save & Apply to mine, the miners will be restart.




Connect to

Account Registration

1. Login the home page:

2. Click the “Sign Up Now ” button:



3. Complete the informtaion required and create a new account:


Sub-Account Configuration

1. Click the user name on the top right and choose create sub-account:


2. Fill the blanks and complete creating sub-account:


Miner Configuration

1. Node Selection

There is network delay when users connecting miners to different nodes in different area. Selecting the nearest nodes can provide the most stable connection.

North China Mining Address


South China Mining Address


America Mining Address


Europe Mining Address



2. Miner Setting

Format: sub-account.miner name

Example: If your sub-account is “btcminer”, then your miners could be set up as btcminer.001, btcminer.002, etc. The miner order will be sorted by the miner name. Password: (Blank). if you change addresses in bulk, fill it as 123.

3. Miner Conection Setting

Type the IP address of miners into the address bar with a web browser under the local area network. The default account is: username ‘root’, password ‘root’.

Sub-Account Management

1. After signing up on BTC pool, uses can establish multiple sub-accounts for different needs.

Click the current sub-account on top right corner:


2. Users can edit every sub-account on this page, such as modifying address and setting alert:



Information Modification

Click “settings” button on top right of the website, you can modify your account and address as follows:


Payment Confirmation

Payment Time

BTC Pool settles all the earnings of last day at UTC 00:00 and sends the payment in 2 hours.

Confirmation Time

The confirmation of TX takes time on Bitcoin Network. The time could be 1 minute or up to 2 hours, which depends on the network status. BTC Pool promises that users receive the payment in the shortest time.

Quality Management Concept – Quality vs Grade & Accuracy vs Precision

Difference between Quality and Grade

Quality and grade is difference. Quality as a delivered performance or result is “the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfill requirements” (ISO 9000). Grade as a design intent is a category assigned to deliverables having the same functional use but different technical characteristics. While a quality level that fails to meet quality requirements is always a problem, a low grade of quality may not be a problem. For example:

  • It may not be a problem if a suitable low-grade software product (one which a limited number of features) is a high quality (no obvious defects, readable manual). In this example, the product would be appropriate for its general purpose of use.
  • It may be a problem if a high-grade software product (one which numerous features) is of low quality (many defects, poorly organized user documentation). In essence, its high-grade feature set would prove ineffective and/or inefficient due to its low quality.

Difference between Accuracy and Precision

The project management team should determine the appropriate levels of accuracy and precision for use in the quality management plan. Precision is a measure of exactness. Accuracy is an assessment of correctness. For example, if the measured value of an item is very close to the true value of the characteristic being meansured. the measurement is more accurate. An illustration of this concept is the comparison of archery targets. Arrows clustered tightly in one area of the target, even if they are not clustered in the bull’s eye, are considered to have high precision. Targets where the arrows are more spread out but equidistant from the bull’s eye are considered to have the same degree of accuracy. Targets were the arrows are both tightly grouped and within the bull’s eye are considered to be both accurate and precise. Precise measurements are not necessary accurate measurements, are accurate measurements are not necessarily precise measurements.

Diary of IT Man – My Road to Pass PMP Exam

pmpIt was a nowadays requirement for any professional to continue study, so, I planned to enhance my project management knowledge which should be useful for my IT management skill. I decided to take a PMP exam and got a PMP certification. PMP stands for Project Management Professional, and it is endorsed by a US’s Project Management Institute (

I thought that PMP exam should be easy for me because I had rich experience to handle IT projects. I did not intent to join any course, however, it was a requirement from PMI that a candidate had to register a course, so that I registered a PMP on-line preparing course from in Oct 2017. The Udemy PMP course costed only US$10.99, which was a very good price. Although the concept of project management was very generic, I needed to learn many PMP specific terms and definition from Udemy, which were new to me. After I have finished the Udemy on-line course, I could only get 70 marks from its drill test, which I should get 75 marks or above in order to ensure to pass the exam according to the lecturer comment.

After the Udemy course, I borrowed two books from library to self-study: I) “Pass the PMP exam : tools, tips and tricks to succeed” by Sean Whitaker ; ii) “PMP practice makes perfect : over 1000 PMP practice questions and answers” by John Estrella. After I have finished these two books, I still did not comfortable. I searched from web and found a web site which Edward shared his experience about PMP exam. It provided me many useful information.

My final preparation work is to read the PMBOKGuide from PMI, and did more free mock exam questions from web, such as from Oliver Lehmann (Online) and Edwel Mock Exam.

Luckily, I passed the PMP exam in my first in-take. I spent totally 6 months to prepare the exam, and I passed it in Mar 2018.


Additional information about Changing of PMP Exam on or after 26 Mar 2018 as below.

The release of the PMBOK® Guide – Sixth Edition in September 2017, the PMP exam will change 26 March 2018. These updates will ensure the exam content is consistent with the PMBOK® Guide.

Although the PMP is not a test of the PMBOK® Guide, it is one of the primary references for the exam. Some of the updates you can expect to see surround lexicon changes and terminology used within the exam as well as harmonization of process groups, tools, and techniques.

The major updates to the sixth edition are summarized below:

  • A new chapter on the role of the project manager has been added to focus on leading projects effectively – competencies, experience, and skills that are all necessary.
  • Two Knowledge Areas have been re-named to more accurately reflect which elements can be managed and which cannot:

o    Time Management is now Schedule Management

o    Human Resource Management is now Resource Management

Every Knowledge Area features four new sections:

  1. Key Concepts
  2. Trends and Emerging Practices
  3. Tailoring Considerations
  4. Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments

The sixth edition will also present new content around considerations for agile/adaptive environments and the PMI Talent Triangle®.

We wish you the best of luck on upcoming exam!

MySQL operation script for beginner

Create a new user within the MySQL shell:
mysql> CREATE USER ‘newuser’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’;
Create Permissions:
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ‘newuser’@’localhost’;
Reload all the privileges.
Your changes will now be in effect.
Revoke a permission:
mysql> REVOKE [type of permission] ON [database name].[table name] FROM ‘[username]’@‘localhost’;
Delete databases with DROP, you can use DROP to delete a user altogether:
mysql> DROP USER ‘demo’@‘localhost’;
To get a list of MySQL users:
mysql> select user,host from mysql.user;
To find the privilege(s) granted to a particular MySQL account:
mysql> show grants for ‘root’@’%’;
After test out your new user, log out by typing
mysql> quit

drop database goldman_wrdp8

CREATE Database goldman_wrdp8

use goldman_wrdp8;

source import_file.sql;
update wp_options SET option_value=’’ where option_name=’siteurl’;

update wp_options SET option_value=’’ where option_name=’home’;

extract a gz file?

Use guzip command as follows:
$ gunzip file.gz
$ gzip -d file.gz

Change user password;

MySQL 5.7.6 and later:

ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'MyNewPass';

MySQL 5.7.5 and earlier:

SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('MyNewPass');


UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string = PASSWORD(‘MyNewPass’), password_expired = ‘N’ WHERE User = ‘root’ AND Host = ‘localhost’; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;


1 为什么翻墙

作为一个技术人员, 最常用的就是Google、StackOverflow、Github这些网站, 工作期间几乎每分钟都在用。

另外,偶尔也上上Facebook、YouTube、草榴以及Porn, 娱乐一下自己。

如果不能翻墙, 几乎就是鱼离开了水, 人离开了空气, 感觉一刻都不能待下去。

2 常用的翻墙方法


1 购买一台大陆以外的服务器,搭建VPN或者ShadowScoks。

2 购买第三方的代理服务。 (我试用过后,觉得速度不可控,而且限制多。 况且我们公司人多, 算下来不如自己搭建划算)

3 使用自由门、GoAgent(速度比较慢、经常不能用、mac或者手机上用不了)

我用的电脑是Mac, 电脑支持VPN、ShadowScoks, 手机是iPhone, 没有越狱,不支持ShadowScoks。


而VPN只能完全代理。 所以我决定Shadowscoks和VPN都搭建。 电脑上主要用Shadowscoks,手机上用VPN。


国外比较知名的云服务运营商有有Linode、DigitalOcean等, 费用基本10美元一个月。ping值在200左右。

国内阿里云也有香港和美国节点,香港节点价格117元/月, ping值在50左右。

之前2年用的是linode, 一直比较稳定,但是最近, 速度实在太慢了, 决定签回阿里云香港试一下。 在这里做个记录。

3 实施

3.1 购买服务器

在阿里云后台,购买 1核CPU 1GB内存 的服务器, 操作系统选择的是 CentOS 7.0 64位, 价格117元/月。

3.2 使用Shdowsocks翻墙

1) 安装Shdowsocks服务端

登录阿里云服务器, 执行以下命令

# 安装pip
yum install python-pip

# 使用pip安装shadowsocks
pip install shadowsocks

2) 配置Shdowsocks服务,并启动

新建 /etc/shadowsocks.json 文件, 并写入以下内容


注意修改 server 和 passwordworkers 表示启动的进程数量。

然后使用以下命令启动: ssserver -c /etc/shadowsocks.json -d start

3) 使用本机Shdowsocks客户端, 连接服务端上网

如果用的是mac, 上网站 下载客户端。


shodowsocks client config

如果是windows, 上面的网站也有客户端下载链接。

如果是android, 参考网站

如果是iPhone, 那你用不了shadowsocks, 只能用下面的VPN了。

3.3 使用VPN翻墙

VPN 隧道协议PPTP、L2TP、IPSec和SSLVPN(SSTP,OpenVPN)中安全性逐级提高,相应的受到墙的干扰逐级减弱。 考虑到跨平台,PPTP穿透力及安全性,这里搭建支持 ikev1/ikev2 的 Ipsec VPN,适用于iOS、Android、Windows 7+ 、MacOS X,及Linux。 为了兼容Windows 7以下的系统,同时搭建L2TP/IPSec支持。

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