


Diary of IT Man – Hong Kong 612 Strike

Date: 2016/06/12

Home » Diary of IT Man - Hong Kong 612 Strike » 612 Strick Hong Kong

612 Strick Hong Kong

Over two million attend Hong Kong demo against controversial extradition law, and against the HK government, especially the chief executive, Carrie Lam.

You can read more from sub-menu of “About Us” -> “Protest against Hong Kong’s controversial extradition bill”





另外,我試緊做傳銷,加入了婕斯Jeunesse和Astar,主要推廣健康補充品,而我亦修讀了幾個課程,成為認可的營養保健師中醫藥膳製作師(中級) ,希望對推廣補充品有幫助,以下為本人網店網址,歡迎瀏覽購物:


徒手理療師 (INMA國際自然療法學院)

催眠治療師 (NGH美國國家催眠師公會)

伸展導師 (HKSEA香港伸展運動學會)

手法整形療法證書 (TQUK英國國家認可)

徒手整形證書 (IMTA國際手法治療協會)

顱薦椎療法文憑 (HKFTU香港工會聯合會)




IT人在工廠日記 – 老年IT人搵工的困難

之前一直在工廠工作,沒有現時流行行業的經驗,例如:電商、金融、AI、雲、大數據…等等,正所謂跟不上潮流,技術落後了,被淘汰也是正常的。在兩個半月的搵工期間,只面試過兩份工,不包括Agent的見面,但是很多Agent的介紹都是失敗,例如,Agent介紹過HSBC, 金山…等等,都是沒有回音的,唔知是否中美關系拖累很多公司的招聘呢? 本人現年五十有餘,自認有豐富的工作經驗,亦知道現實情況,之前我要求工作的起薪是三至四萬元,現時已降至兩萬五,繼續睇睇是否會被IT行淘汰吧?

IT人在工廠日記 –收回佣行騙公司

本人離開前公司差不多兩個月,如果前公司有工作問題問我,我也會回應,順便了解公司近況。 公司之前管理層有五名香港人和一名韓國人總經理,兩個月期間已裁走或迫走了三名香港人(包括我自己),應該節省了很多工資費用的支出,裁員本是正常的收縮和節流的做法,但是我跟其他兩位被裁員工討論後,我們被快速裁走的另一原因,是因為我們阻礙其他人收回佣騙公司錢;我聽說他們把很多值錢的設備用賤價賣出,例如二手值二十多萬元的設備,只用六萬元賣出,很令人懷疑。我之前也寫過收回佣行騙公司的事情,參考” IT人在工廠日記 – 老板的私心” 一文,文中的所寫的”老板”其實就是那位韓國人總經理,現時他們可放心地騙錢啦,沒有人會防礙他們了。如果 他們 不被揭發,是他們好運,希望他們及早回頭吧!

Diary of IT Man – Be careful your work during layoff period

Although I was layoff, I still needed to work in office in the notification period. I did some clean-up work in our office and threw away several boxes of rubbish to refuse collection point. However, company did not trust my work. Then, HR asked my best friend colleague to check my throw-away stuff; and I went to the refuse collection point with the colleague to show those throw-away stuff. It was really a shame to me.

I wanted to be a responsible person to continue to help company, but company worried I would do bad thing to company. Some company was very means. So, did not over-estimate your reputation and professional ethics; did your work more careful in your layoff notification period in order to avoid any misunderstand.

Diary of IT Man – Layoff

I aware that my company is in a very difficult finance situation because of market decline and trade war between US and PRC last year. My company had a big loss starting from the US import tax increase to 10% (even 25%) last year. I was worry about layoff for a long time. Although I expect I will be layoff within year 2019, the layoff is a little bit earlier than I guess. I was layoff by company in the end of Feb. My last day will be a month later, which means company do not pay me one month notification, but ask me to continue to work for a month. My company is too means.

Anyways, I need to find another job aggressively, maybe decrease my starting salary to even HK$25k/month for new job.

Hope I will be good luck.

Diary of IT Man – New Career Plan in Year 2019

Year of Dog has already gone. Year of Pig is coming.

In year 2019, my company is still in difficulty situation. Because of trade war between China and US, my company is spreading blood. If trade tax further increases (10% -> 25% -> more), my company will loss more and may further downsize (even shutdown) the operation in China. Actually, our company is planning and is going to outsource operation to other country (such as Korea, Vitname, etc), and reduce staff in China and Hong Kong.

As my risk plan on career, I took several courses last year. I got PMP cert last year, but I did not find it could help me to find another job. I think I will leave IT field if I am layoff by company. I have another plan, and I got several cranio sacral therapist cert last year. I may develop another career path to do energy healing work. Hope it is suitable to me.

Good Luck to everyone in Year of Pig.