IT人日記 – 武漢肺炎肆虐下的香港就業情況

自從2018年尾的中美貿易戰,之後是反送中事件,721、831、催淚彈、新屋嶺、墮樓和浮屍,今日的武漢肺炎, 香港可說是禍不單行, 經濟和民生皆大受影響,香港最受打擊的行業首推零售和飲食,裁員和減薪嚴重, 就業和搵工困難,本人深深感受到。

我的舊公司是生產醫療設備,受中美貿易戰影響,生產線由中國大陸轉移至韓國,公司收縮,我在2019年3月已被才裁走,之後搵工,可惜絕少工商機構的面試機會,九個月來只有兩次 ,幸好香港政府有大量儲備,仍有能力花錢投資於IT,所以我大部份面試機會是政府、半政府或公型機構,例如醫管局、機電署、 地政署、房署、警署 、中電、無國界….等等 。最終我在地鐵公司再做回 IT人,雖然地鐵是前政府和上市大機構,不怕生意差而被裁員,可是這與我的舊工作環境完全不同,它太過官僚和保守,大部份是藍絲的心態和作風 ,較自私、只顧慮自己的工作,不願做額外工作,亦甚少關照其它同事,我真的需要時間去適應;如果我仍有選擇機會,我希望可留在工商介發展,這更能發揮我的經驗和所長,貢獻僱主。始終IT行的變化太厲害,範圍廣闊,如果跟錯方向,必被淘汰,所以不適合中高年人士在此穩健發展,只能用冒險心態去做 IT工作,努力地不被淘汰!


IT人日記 – 武漢肺炎肆虐下的香港情況

自從一月份武漢肺炎開始肆虐至今, 香港政府完全表現出無能和不作為,只懂做大陸政府的奴才,很令香港人失望,連原本撐政府的人也改變想法去反對政府。


IT人日記 – 新冠病毐疫情下的自救法


推介大家考慮吓以下幾種 提升免疫力的補充品:

  1. Astar靈芝丸可提升免疫力
  2. ”接骨木”是一種具有抗炎和抗病毒潛力的傳統藥用草藥 ,Welife青春营养液 含接骨木及在其它營養成份 , 可以抗炎、抗氧化和 抗衰老 。
  3. 有些人對激素產品有抗佢,但非常時期用非常方法,所以也推介使用HGH抗老凝膠來增強身體的抵抗力,它可直接皮膚吸收,效果比一般的營養食品顯著,可作為預防非典肺炎。


IT人日記 – 鼠年春節的嚴峻疫情










Android App Sample Program

Recently, I picked-up and studied Java and Android Studio programming again. I developed two Android App using Android Studio as below, and put in Google Play Store. If you have time to support me, please download to install and test it. Thanks.

1 st App Name: Egg Timer

Function: Timer of count down from range of 10 min and play a horn sound as time up.


2 nd App Name: LocateFriendMap

1) show your current location in map;
2) calculate distance between your friends and yourself;
3) select your friend’s location and show in map;
4) display google map navigation to lead you to meet friend.

Operation Manual: 
1)Setup your own username and password in the first time, then use it to logon next time; if you forget your password, simply setup another one.
2)There is a switch button to allow you to select "MyLocation" or "FindFriend" to show your location on map or show the distance between you and your friends.
3)As you select "MyLocation", it will show your map and you can press "Show Me To Friend" or "Cancel to Show Me" button.
4)As you select "FindFriend", it will show a list of your friends; as you select a friend, it will show a map between you and your friend, and you can also use "Navigation" button to call the google map navigation function.
5)To remind to use back arrow button "<" to go back to previous screen.
6)If you get trouble on map location display, you should check whether your phone GPS location function is active (maybe display your last location, but not current location), or go to out-door to get good GPS signal. 



我最近去泰國旅遊,散心順便轉一轉運氣揾1T工作,我預先在網上查過機票連酒店價錢,四日三夜大概每位HK$2200 (Pict 1),之後貪方便去了家附近在大埔的專業旅運旅行社,我以為他們應該是專業和公道的公司,俾他們賺多幾%的佣金當服務費無所謂啦 ,因為以前在馬鞍山幫襯的專業旅運旅行社通常只較網上價錢多幾過%,所以我不再查價便去購買,還選了五星酒店消費豪啲,他們報價每位HK$5400,太貴了 ,之後耿耿於懷;事後再查他們的經營手法,發覺蘋果日報以前已有報道說專業旅運的報價可以有極大差異 ( ,這次我報並非旺時段的四天泰國自遊行住Terminal 21五星酒店,三位共HK$16041 (Pict 2),而我查過12月份的旺季同一間酒店的四天套票價錢,也只是HK$12200-HK$13100 (Pict 3 & 4),我佑計我較網上多付约30%,即本每位HK$3500變成HK$5300,極之無良經營,所以我寫出來提醒大家去門店購買旅遊套票要小心,唔好信專業的推銷員,要自己比較,不合理要先考慮清楚才決定。

Pict 1
Pict 2
Pict 3
Pict 4


今天 (2019/11/3) 寫這日記,因為今天香港各區的示威活動中,香港警察的暴力令我憤怒,警察情緒失控,除了如以往針對救護、記者和所有在街上的示威者外,更開始針對消防員, 攻擊消防車、射擊救護員、 濫打老人及婦孺… 可恥可恨… 期望早日解散及清算警隊。

“反送中條例修訂” 從2019年3月發展至今天,雖然香港政府於9/1正式撒回”反送中條例修訂”,但是完全沒有回應其它訴求,沒有為自己的過錯道歉,警察的惡行仍被偏袒,被捕和犧牲的人士未能平反,所以示威情況仍然繼續;而且因應警察暴力升級,示威情勢亦愈演愈烈。至今警察濫捕了很多示威者和無辜人士,約三千多人被捕,而且被捕人士被虐打強姦,有些人士更下落不明;於8/31事件之後,出現很多浮屍和墮樓死亡個案,有些是雙手反綁,死前有被虐打和施暴痕跡,但是最可疑的地方是警察說他們死因”沒有可疑”;尤其是陳彥霖的浮屍個案,警方說她的自剎沒有可疑,但是她是跳水運動員,她跳海自剎合理嗎?而且無線電視及學校更幫手做假,錄制其母親的訪問片段,訴說她囡囡有精神問題而自剎,而學校亦發放幾條閉路電視片段證明,可是做多錯多,母親是假的,閉路電視的陳彥霖是演員,明眼人細心研究片段便會懷疑;幸好有不怕事的江湖人士挺身而出幫手查案,公開說陳彥霖的母親和舅父已經失蹤,可能她們一家已經在世上被消失了,這是一般的中共處事手法。

全世界今天已清楚了解中國政府的處事手段,中國政府的開明假面具已經完全撕開了, 香港人已知道香港已經不是之前的自由和法治地方,香港亦不是人身安全被保障的地方;香港和中國只適合人們工作賺錢,賺夠錢就走吧。自從中國的經濟崛起後,中國人在世界各地以錢凌人,作威作福,觸怒很多外國人,我在外國說自己是香港人也感到失禮;可是今次香港的示威,觸動及影響全世界,我為香港年青示威者的努力感到驕傲,在外國人面前說自己是香港人也覺得光榮。光複香港…時代革命… 香港人加油…


Posted by Hang Kit Wong on Saturday, November 2, 2019
Hong Kong Police shooting people, like playing game, too bad.
11.3大埔超級城防暴速龍衝入拉人之一 速龍警棍亂揮場面混亂


Posted by 眾新聞 on Sunday, November 3, 2019
In a shopping mall, Hong Kong Police hit people, it is wild and terrible

購物中心內 ,香港警察瘋狂打人,可怕 。

Stand for Hong Kong…

eCommerce Web Site

Recently, I developed a eCommerce web site for selling Health supplement and providing healthy improvement service. It has the following features:

  1. Shopping Web Site with Product categories, product maintenance, shopping cart, checkout payment, email notification, member login;
  2. Submit application form to apply healthy card;
  3. Submit application form to inquiry service;
  4. Maintain posts for news update;
  5. Multi-language feature;
  6. VISA payment gateway.

I used the following service provider because of cost effective as below:

  1. for domain main;
  2. AWS for hosting;
  3. WordPress for CMS;
  4. WooCommerce for shopping cart;
  5. Contact Form 7 for application form builder;
  6. Polylang for multi-language setup;
  7. Stripe for payment gateway.

You are welcome to browse the link –> , and provide any comment. If you want to setup a similar website, I can help you, and feel free to contact me.

Sample Page of creating appointment booking function

This page is made by using wordpress’s “Booking Calendar” plugin which is the 1st booking system for WordPress, anddownloaded over 1,300,000 times since 20099.

Booking Calendar plugin enable awesome booking system for your site. Simply show availability and receive bookings for your property or service in easy to use booking system with clean and smooth interface.

Your website visitors can check availability of property (like apartment, house, hotel room, etc.) or any service you offer and make a booking in a minute for a full day(s) or specific timeslot (in Booking Calendar Free version). Different versions of WP Booking Calendar provide hundreds of features to complete almost any booking functionality for your business.

Your Customers will be able to:

  1. Select day(s) in calendar (which is possible to customize for fitting to your site design)
  2. Optional. Select available time-slot to book in your booking form.
  3. Fill booking form fields (which is possible to configure – change fields labels, activate/deactivate or set as required)
  4. Submit a booking

Administrator (and also your visitors) will receive notification email(s) about the new booking, and be able to Approve or Decline this reservation in Easy to Understand, sleek Admin Booking Panel (with possibility to see all bookings in day/week/month view of Calendar Overview mode – Timeline or just in Booking Listing Table).


  • Extremely easy to use.
  • Very flexible functionality. Fit to very wide range of business.
  • All bookings and settings are stored in your DB. You don’t need third party account(s).
  • Sleek and customizable design of calendars, for fitting to your site design.
  • Responsive front end and back end design.
  • An easy to use Booking Admin Panel that displays bookings in Calendar Overview or Listing Table and lets you manages bookings.
  • Easy to install and integrate into your site. For example, using booking button in edit toolbar for configuration and inserting booking shortcode into post or page.
  • Booking Calendar Blocks for new Gutenberg Editor to add booking forms into pages.

The sample page is as below or link ->

Calendar is loading...
Powered by Booking Calendar




The record of my BNO application progress as below:
I submitted my application via internet on 21 Aug 2019.
I sent my support document to HMPO through HK speedpost on 4 Sept 2019.
HMPO confirmed to received my document on 11 Sept 2019.
HMPO confirmed to approve my application and sent via DHL on 13 Sept 2019.
I got my BNO from DHL delivery on 19 Sept 2019.

查看操作步驟鏈接如下 To review the operation procedure as below link –>