Installation of an Open Source Prometeo-ERP System


Although Prometeo-ERP System was a phase-out project for any further development, its follow-up project was Django-ERP. However, Django-ERP is still under development, Its function is not ready, and most features are not ready for public use at this moment. Then, I step back to continue to test Prometeo-ERP System. Prometeo-ERP has already provide many useful features, its public release free version had the following features:

  • Authentication & row-level permission system
  • Notification system
  • Custom widgets & dashboards
  • Taxonomy system
  • File browsing
  • Event calendar
  • User tasks & timesheets
  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
  • Products management
  • Stock management
  • Human resources management
  • Sales management
  • Project management
  • Knowledge management
  • DMS (Document Management System)

I installed the Prometeo-ERP system to my Raspberry Pi machine, i.e. free OS, free program tools, free application tools, … Great. It is still worth to study it, and I will show the installation installation in the following

Installation Steps:

1. Checkout sources from the GIT repository:

2. Follow the instructions in the README file as reference.


Make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:

* python >= 2.6 (or 2.7 the public one)

$ pip install python==2.7

* pytz >= 2011h (required)
$ pip install pytz==2011h

* python-markdown >= 2.0 (required)
$ pip install markdown

* xhtml2pdf >= 0.0.3 (required)
$ pip install xhtml2pdf==0.0.3

* icalendar >= 2.2 (required)
$ pip install icalendar==2.2

* django >= 1.3.1 (required)
$ pip install django==1.3.1

* south >= 0.7.3 (optional)
$ pip install south

1. Rename the download folder to “prometeo” (It is necessary).

2. cp settings/ settings/, and edit several statement as below:

$ vi settings/

# (‘Goldman’, ‘’),


default’: {
‘ENGINE’: ‘django.db.backends.sqlite3’, # Add ‘postgresql_psycopg2’, ‘postgresql’, ‘mysql’, ‘sqlite3’ or ‘oracle’.
‘NAME’: ‘erp.db’, # Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
‘USER’: ”, # Not used with sqlite3.
‘PASSWORD’: ”, # Not used with sqlite3.
‘HOST’: ”, # Set to empty string for localhost. Not used with sqlite3.
‘PORT’: ”, # Set to empty string for default. Not used with sqlite3.



# List of installed applications.




3. It’s time to create the DB schema

$ python syncdb

4. Start the server:

$ python runserver

5. Test the application via link http://localhost:8000 as screen dump below:



选购HR人事管理系统 – 比较东宝和同享两套系统

最近,本人需要为公司选购新的人事管理系统,研究过东宝和同享两套系统後,有以下几点的比较 :

1. 东宝HR人事系统比同享人事系统贵很多,相同功能,价格是十多万与八万元之比,另外,东宝不给予老客户特别折扣,可说是无价格上的弹性和优惠。 Read More