Diary of IT Man – 1/6/2021 is a Big Day for United States (Divine if Trump Continue as the President of US)

Information from -> https://www.skywaycare.com/en/using-healys-iching-analysis-program-to-analyze-trump-to-continue-as-the-president-of-the-united-states/ which use Healy’s iChing Analysis Program to
divine if Trump Continues as the President of the United States

Hexagram name: Kun is the earth

Change of Gua: Xiantian Bagua No. -> Kun is 8, 16:06pm Shen Shi is 9
Total addition and division 6 = (8 + 8 + 9) / 6 = 4 remaining 1
The ninth day/the sixth day of the month: The speech: Lushuang, the ice is very hard.

Prediction: Kun’s original meaning is supple, and now it is better to use static braking for better results. Now is a difficult time, but after the change, it is like the wind rising from the ground. The boots and the steps gradually rise, climbing from low to high, gradually growing, so it will be to better in future.

Diary of IT Man – Lot of Bad Things Happened to US & Hong Kong Recently

  1. Lot of evidence on US election results 2020 with vote fraud which was controlled by China Government. Stand for Trump to flight China Government.
  2. Xu Zhifeng (Member of HK Parliament) and his family went into exile, and all accounts were suddenly frozen. Does Hong Kong still be finance safety and have finance protection ?
  3. Huang Zhifeng, Zhou Ting, and Lin Langyan were sentenced for participating in the siege of the police headquarters. It was unfair and unreason sentenced to jail.

Too much Political Prosecution with court bias in Hong Kong.

I shame to be a Chinese because of China Government.

Diary of IT Man – Using Healy’s iChing Analysis Program to analyze the current situation of USA (2020/11/14)

Hexagram Number: 44

The name of the hexagram: Tianfengzi

Hexagram: The image where rigidity and softness meet, the meaning of gathering and scattering

Elephant explained:

The hexagram image is dry in the sky, and under the sundae wind, for the world is windy, prevailing in the world, and the king dictates the image of the world. Therefore, the “Xiang” says: “Then he will give orders to the Quartet.” The latter is the same as the king.

Gua Gua and Gua Gua on the hexagram sequence are a pair of hexagrams that follow the Gu Gua. The “Preface Gua” says: “There must be a meeting, so you will be treated as a grandma. If you are a grandmother, you will also meet.” The Kui hexagram draws the boundaries between five yang and one yin and executes one yin, or a gentleman’s parting. Gu Gua means that one yin meets the five yang again, or reunites after the farewell.

Change of Gua: Xiantian Bagua Number à Tian (Sky) is 1, Feng (Wind) is 5, Time : 17:26pm Time (14/11/2020) is 10

   Sum of those, and divided by 6 = (1 + 5 + 10) / 6 = 2 remainder 4

The fourth line is changed to ninety four, which means that there is no fish, and it is fierce.

“Xiang” said: There is no fish, but also the remote people.

There is no fish in the kitchen.

Fish grow in water and belong to Yin, referring to the sixth day. In the sixth day of the sixth day, the second day was inherited, and the second day of the second day said that there were fish in the package. Because the second day was near the water tower, the moon came first, and the sixth day was next to the sixth day. Therefore, although the fourth day corresponds to the sixth day, there was no fish. Six has been first recorded in 1992. If the September Fourth Movement were to go out on this basis, it would be a big deal. “Xiang” said: “If there is no fish, there are distant people.” Because there is no people, they are too far away from the people.

“Initiate a crime” should be regarded as “convict a crime.” There are many fierce sentences in the Book of Changes. The silk book as “right evil” can be used as evidence. In the past dynasties, all the betting people started to move, and when they started to act fiercely, they acted fiercely.

Analysis from Webmaster:

The original meaning of 姤 is encounter, which is extended to combination, chance. The hexagram is about the breakup of the old and new forces, various social forces will recombine and establish new interpersonal relationships. That is to say, after the current dispute between American democracy and the Republican Party, the mainstream media and organizations that favor the PRC will be reorganized and repositioning. The relation between United States and PRC ( and their allies) will also be reposition. The world will become two opposing formations of China and the United States. Neither side will have benefit.


Information source: https://www.skywaycare.com/en/using-healys-iching-analysis-program-to-analyze-the-current-situation-of-usa/

Diary of IT Man – Use Healy’s iChing program for Divination Hong Kong in year 2021 (2020/11/21)

Hexagram Number: 30
Hexagram Name: Li is Fire
Xiang said: Ming two works, Li. The adults are shining in all directions.
Hexagram: Li: Li Zhen, Heng. Cattle, Kyrgyzstan.
Elephant: Liri’s elephant on the day, bright and lofty
Elephant explained: Li means encounter. Li Gua is about losing vigilance and encountering undue setbacks.
Fortune: The appearance is exuberant, the sign of the scorching sun, the hexagram of Li is the Six Chongs and the Wandering Soul, there will be conflicts and loss of communication. Those who leave will leave, and some will leave; on the other hand, they will leave, and in the downturn of the market, there will be a short period of rapid growth.
Change in the second line, line words: Huang Li, Yuan Ji. Or it will change for the better.

香港2021年運程: 外觀旺盛,烈日當天之象, 離為六沖和遊魂卦,會有沖突和交迷失 ,凡事不宜急進及意氣用事。 離者, 離開也,有人會離開;另外,離亦作起也,在市況低迷中,會有一小段急漲之勢。
變卦於二爻,爻辭: 黃離,元吉。或會向好方面轉變。

Information Source: https://www.skywaycare.com/en/use-healys-iching-program-for-divination-hong-kong-in-year-2021-2020-11-21/

IT人日記 – 我對香港未來的看法

當管治者有無限權力,可操控所有,以致改變制度而偏向自己時 ,他(她)所管治的結果,便取決於他的能力和心意,經過過去一年的事情,已認知到香港管治的方向以及無能,只懂出賣香港來討好中共,如果政權不變,香港的未來只會是倒退,將可能成為中國的二、三線城市,更甚或是新疆的模樣,真的並不樂觀,只有求神保佑香港吧!

本人由以前是 IT區域經理, 現在已降級到系統分析員,我要重操二十多年前的職級和工作,工資下跌大半,而且再看不到將來有發展的空間,所以我的移民意向越來越強烈,希望之後可在另一天空下重新開始,或是安享晚年吧!



















「我們需要中國嗎?」《沒有中國製造的一年》作者邦喬妮(Sara Bongiorni)親身實驗拒買中國產品一年,書中劈頭提出這個問題。


手機大廠蘋果執行長庫克(Tim Cook)宣布,今年第一季營收將無法達標,原因正是中國的新冠肺炎,「我們恢復正常的速度比預期還要慢。」



美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)表示,在美國銷售的抗生素、降血壓等數百種藥物,都用到中國原料;智庫黑斯廷斯中心(The Hastings Center)顧問吉布森(Rosemary Gibson)說,若中國斷供,「美國的診所、醫院幾天內就會關門。」






但是,從另一角度看,這場疫症大家都應該學到要解決所有問題都要先找出問題本源嗎?否則一定會費時失事🤷🏼‍♂🤷🏼‍♂🤷🏼‍♂ 即是話西方國家沒有中國人的教義「飲水思源」。

IT人日記 – 武漢肺炎肆虐下的香港就業情況

自從2018年尾的中美貿易戰,之後是反送中事件,721、831、催淚彈、新屋嶺、墮樓和浮屍,今日的武漢肺炎, 香港可說是禍不單行, 經濟和民生皆大受影響,香港最受打擊的行業首推零售和飲食,裁員和減薪嚴重, 就業和搵工困難,本人深深感受到。

我的舊公司是生產醫療設備,受中美貿易戰影響,生產線由中國大陸轉移至韓國,公司收縮,我在2019年3月已被才裁走,之後搵工,可惜絕少工商機構的面試機會,九個月來只有兩次 ,幸好香港政府有大量儲備,仍有能力花錢投資於IT,所以我大部份面試機會是政府、半政府或公型機構,例如醫管局、機電署、 地政署、房署、警署 、中電、無國界….等等 。最終我在地鐵公司再做回 IT人,雖然地鐵是前政府和上市大機構,不怕生意差而被裁員,可是這與我的舊工作環境完全不同,它太過官僚和保守,大部份是藍絲的心態和作風 ,較自私、只顧慮自己的工作,不願做額外工作,亦甚少關照其它同事,我真的需要時間去適應;如果我仍有選擇機會,我希望可留在工商介發展,這更能發揮我的經驗和所長,貢獻僱主。始終IT行的變化太厲害,範圍廣闊,如果跟錯方向,必被淘汰,所以不適合中高年人士在此穩健發展,只能用冒險心態去做 IT工作,努力地不被淘汰!
