我由香港嚟咗英國二個多月,現居M6 6NG的Castle Irwell,家居日常生活基本上安頓好,下一步就是安排工作,我計畫推廣韓國的艾多美Atomy產品,它包括護膚品、家居用品、保健品……等等,唔知有冇網友是艾多美的商家或有興趣加入的朋友? 加盟步驟簡單→ https://www.skywaycare.com/%e8%8b%b1%e5%9c%8b%e8%89%be…/ , 歡迎聯繫我商討吓及了解吓(按此) , 謝謝!

Best practice to manage Information Technology System in Factory and Manufacturing Environment
我由香港嚟咗英國二個多月,現居M6 6NG的Castle Irwell,家居日常生活基本上安頓好,下一步就是安排工作,我計畫推廣韓國的艾多美Atomy產品,它包括護膚品、家居用品、保健品……等等,唔知有冇網友是艾多美的商家或有興趣加入的朋友? 加盟步驟簡單→ https://www.skywaycare.com/%e8%8b%b1%e5%9c%8b%e8%89%be…/ , 歡迎聯繫我商討吓及了解吓(按此) , 謝謝!
I stopped all my stock investment in May 2022. To summarize my P&L record, I invested on stock market starting from 2009 to May 2022, which I reserved around HK$1m as capital, and maintained the invested amount from HK$400k to 1m. As a result, I made the profit of HK$232k including their interest gain so far. Although it is not a good return, it is still good for unprofessional investor like me.
Date | P&L (HK$) |
9/12/2009 | 2762.83 |
1/12/2010 | -113539.29 |
1/12/2011 | -103313.97 |
1/12/2012 | -89854.34 |
1/12/2013 | -18095.99201 |
1/12/2014 | 20729.69 |
1/12/2015 | 113992.32 |
1/12/2016 | 247371.56 |
1/12/2017 | 413905.46 |
1/12/2018 | 495028.2 |
1/12/2019 | 496411.87 |
1/12/2020 | 237816.62 |
1/12/2021 | 237508.93 |
1/5/2022 | 232822.2 |
I received my first google AdSense earning of HK$800 recently. Actually, it is not easy to earn via AdSense for such low hit-rate blog. It is lucky and thank for my reader’s support.
曼城 64 活動相片
曼城 612 活動相片
我冇做IT工作之後,轉行推廣頻率治療機,以下係我幫Spooky公司錄製嘅Spooky Rife頻率治療機推介youtube視頻,但有些嗚嗚聲噪音,因為當天香港打風,我返唔到公司攞外接咪,所以音響效果唔好,不好意思,好彩仍免強聽到講者聲音,第一次辦講座,講得不流暢,多多包涵,謝謝耐心觀看支持,希望您留言點讚!
此youtube視頻除咗介紹Spooky Rife頻率治療機嘅操作之外,我更加希望帶出一個想法,就是人體係物理同埋化學結合嘅複雜生物,要治療好一個病症應該不只是”治標”,暫時消除病狀應該唔係全面嘅治癒,而我哋應該整體全面評估,採用”治本”的方法,可能要用好多方法配合先至可以成功。我哋有幸成為人類,應該做一個負責任嘅人,努力不懈咁去保養身體和防治疾病,頻率治療一定係其中一個方法。”信念”可能係世界上最強嘅頻率治療方法,有信心去做,永不放棄自然能夠成功!
After I have left my MTR job in Feb, I tried to start my business together with another two old colleagues. The business was to promote odoo application, implement ERP/CRM/website project and TVP scheme. Unlucky, we could not close any deal from Mar to Aug; hence, I thought that it was not an potential business for us at that moment because the economic was so bad. I stopped that odoo business in Aug. Now, I am exploring other opportunity. Hope to publish good news here next time.
July 1, 2021, a Hong Kong police officer was stabbed and seriously injured. The man involved in the case committed suicide. Hong Kong people fought to the death and resisted. So sad !
I kept an eye on odoo application for many years (starting from its openerp time in year 2010). Recently, I realized that it became mature and very active in the business application market. The following are several web site which developed by odoo as:
It is a right time for me the join this odoo job market now. Hope I can get its full time/part time/freelance job soon.
Then, it is the right time for me to join in.
Jan 20 will be the public ceremony of next US president. At this moment, it is big chance that Joe Biden will become the next US President; however, many evidences shew that his group cheated in the US president election.
It is really pity that it is unfair to Donald Trump, hence,I divine what will happen on that day as below.
Hexagram name: Fengze Zhongfu (卦名: 風澤中孚)
Fortune: Treat people with sincerity in everything, good for everything with faith, and evil thoughts will get bad result. Hope good guys more than bad guys in US, then, US will keep on good; otherwise, it will turn to bad
2. Will Joe Biden be the next US president ?
Hexagram Name: Li is Fire (卦名: 離為火)
Fortune: The appearance is exuberant, and it is the image of the scorching sun. Li Gua is about losing vigilance and encountering undue setbacks. It is not good for Biden, and I wish it will become true that Biden leave the US president position.