ERP Operation Policy for IT

Objective :

ERP is a multi-function and highly integrated application that supports most of the critical operations within the company.  In using such an ERP application, while we can depend on some of the built-in checks and balances embedded in the system, the most important business control and appropriate use of the system lies in the working habit and disciplines of people who use it. This Policy is devised to help ensure such work disciplines are in place among all users as well as all IT staff. Read More

Disaster Recovery Plan for MFG/PRO ERP System

1.        Definition

In this document context, ‘MFGPRO ERP System Disaster’ refers to the situation where the total system is unavailable to the users either due to hardware, network, or software problems and recovery is estimated to take more than 48 hours

‘MFGPRO Disaster Recovery’ is to offer a temporary measure/workaround solution to the organization to enable partial delivery of the processing service. Read More

General Requirement of using Computer workstation

1.         Background and Definitions

Under the Occupational Safety and Health (Display Screen Equipment DSE) Regulation (Cap.509B) in Hong Kong, as an employer and person responsible for workplace, the company has a duty to ensure that a safe, healthy Workstation is made available to Users. The following definitions are assigned to the capitalised terms in this summary. Read More

IT Infrastructure Capacity Planning & Performance Reporting

1) Objectives

This document is to describe the process used for the capacity planning and performance reporting of the IT Infrastructure currently under the control and management of the local Site IT. Those equipment owned and/or managed by IT will be excluded from the scope of this document. This document will be updated and maintained by IT department as required. Read More

Hyperion Restore Procedure

1)     Objectives

This document is to describe the methodology employed and process involved in the recovery of the Hyperion system currently operated in the company.This document will be updated and maintained by IT department, and posted in the Hyperion Planning Implementation Database for access by project members as well as the end-users.

2)     Applicability

This applies to the following server components of the Hyperion applications.

o   Application and Web Server (Application)

o   Reports Server  (Application)

o   Essbase Server  (Transaction Data)

o   Oracle Server (Application Configuration/Reports Definition Data)

These servers are located in the computer room controlled and managed by IT Department.

3)     Responsibility

IT department is responsible for the managed operation of the application, which involves systems installation, systems upgrade, backup, recovery, and technical infrastructure support while the systems owner is responsible for the maintenance of the models/reports built on the application.

Primary Support              Secondary Support

IT    Department:            ….

Application Owner:        ….

4)     Processes

4.1)  Normal Recovery

This refers to the situation where a server is corrupted due to hard disk failure and requires re-built, or alternatively, the database is corrupted and requires recovery. Advanced approval is required from the site IT Manager prior to the recovery is executed.

4.1.1 Application & Web Server (Hy-web) & Reports Server (Hy-rpt)

  1. Get the hardware ready for restore.
  2. Identify and restore the latest system backup/Ghost image of Hy-web & Hy-rpt’s C: Drive.
  3. Open the latest daily Hy-web & Hy-rpt’s ArcServe backup and restore all directories & files (i.e. Overwrite all existing directories and files).
  4. Logon to the Planning, Analyzer, and Reports on Web to test out the access and the data availability.

Essbase (Hy-Ess)

The following is for a complete rebuilt when the hard disk is totally damaged. Should only the database restore is required; the last step is needed to be executed.

  1. Get the hardware ready for restore
  2. Re-install Sun Solaris 8
  3. Re-create a user called “essbase” with home directory set to /essbase
  4. Restore root’s profile
  5. Restore the crontab file: /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root.
  6. Restore the latest daily backup (please refer to the procedures posted under “Essbase Data Restoration” in the Hyperion Planning Implementation Database). Logon to Essbase to do a sample checking of the reports in order to verify data is restored properly.


If a complete rebuilt of the Hyperion instance is required, go to step e directly.

  1. Get the hardware ready for restore
  2. Install Oracle 8.1.6. rc2 Enterprise Server
  3. Create an instance called “hysi”
  4. Locate the latest daily Oracle backup.
  5. Run the command in DOS prompt: IMP system/manager FULL=Y IGNORE=Y FILE=<exported file> where currently, the name of the export file is called “daily_hysl_fullexp.dmp”.
  6. Logon to the Planning and do a sample checking for dimension, scenarios.
  7. Logon to Analyzer and Reports to retrieve one of the reports to see whether the data is displayed properly.

4.2)  Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery refers to a situation where all of the server hardware is completely lost or damaged. Changeover to a temporary application infrastructure is required in order to provide minimal survival services to the user community. It is intended not to cover the entire user community, but 50% only. The fall back period is estimated to be 4-8 weeks prior to the new production hardware is acquired and set-up.

4.2.1        Backup Application Infrastructure

During the fall back period, it is planned to use a single Intel PC as a temporary machine with all products/system components installed which includes web/application, Analyzer, Report, Essbase, and Oracle. The machine should satisfy the following minimum configuration in order not to have significant performance degrade.

–          CPU of at least 2GHz,

–          At least 4G RAM,

–          At least a 100G hard disk

–          10/100M Ethernet Connection

This machine will be located in the IT area at the another Office, and it is controlled, and reserved by IT for such purpose.

4.2.2.       Recovery SLA

Tasks Estimated Time
Backup Equipment available 2 hours
Server recovery 2 days
Re-connect users PC to the backup infrastructure 1 day *
Access & Data Testing 1 day *

* Concurrent event

4.2.3        Server Recovery

Procedures to recover servers as follow

  1. Install Windows 2000 sp3 in an Intel based machine.
  2. Install Hyperion Analyzer Server, JRUN 4.0, Hyperion Planner, JRE 1.3, and Hyperion Report client in the machine used in Step 1.
  3. Install Essbase Server, create the MDS database, restore the outline files from the backup tape, and then perform full load of the Mds Application to the MDS database in the machine used in Step 1.
  4. Install Oracle 8.1.6 rc2 Enterprise Server, create a new Oracle instance called HYSL in Step 1, and then perform full import using the daily backup dump files stored in backup tape.

4.2.4        Network Connection

  1. Configure the new machine in Step 1 so that both Hyperion Analyzer, and Hyperion Planner are pointing to the Essbase database & Oracle database created in step 3 & 4.

4.2.5        Client Recovery

  1. Reinstall all the necessary thick client in each user’s PC (For those user that use thin client to access Hyperion, there is no need to perform reinstallation.

4.2.6       People Organization

During the Disaster Recovery, a project team is set-up comprising of the Application owner, site IT Manager, and the IT support staff. The Application Owner will assume the lead for this process and will co-ordinate and communicate with the user community for any systems arrangement while IT will be responsible to make sure the backup infrastructure is established, data is restored and system connection is normal.

4.2.7        Rehearsal Run

A yearly rehearsal run should be executed to ensure the above stated process is working properly. The results of the rehearsal will be documented and filed for reference.

Hyperion User Account Maintenance Procedure

1)     Objectives

This document is to describe the user accounts administration process for the Hyperion Planning/Analyzer applications currently operated in the company. This document will be updated and maintained by IT department as required.

2)     Applicability

This procedure is applicable for all employees who wish to apply for an access to the Hyperion Planning system located in the company.

3)     Responsibility

Persons   Responsibilities
Requestor Any one in the company Complete the application form and submit it to Systems Owner for approval.
Systems Administrator xxx Add/Change/Delete users & assign security rights as approved by the Systems Owner.
Systems Owner xxx Review user accounts applications and the requested access rights, and approves or disapproves the request.


4)     User Security Profile

Hyperion uses the Windows Logon ID as the ID for logging into various components of the systems including:

o   Planning,

o   Reports, and

o   Analyzer

Each of the components will have its own access control, and security level in respect to the functionality and the data held on the system.

A user security profile is a set of pre-defined access rights attempting to fulfill certain needs of an individual. Should a requester requires access falling out of these pre-defined access rights, he or should has to contact the Systems Administrator to formulate a custom profile.  

4.1 Planning/Reports

Profile Brief Description                   Access Rights
    Planning Reports Essbase
Administrator User Maintenance Admin Admin Admin
Application Owner Define models & maintenance of data Owner View + Design Rpt Update
Super User View and update data Planner View Rpt Update
Ordinary User View Data only Planner View Rpt Read

4.2 Analyzer

Profile Brief Description

Access Rights

Administrator User account maintenance 1. Administrator rights.
Super User 1. All rights of ordinary users plus update of the reports created in the public folders 1. Read access to the assigned DB2. Owner access to the assigned public report groups/folders.
Ordinary User 1. Create private reports and share it for public view.2. Navigate/view authorized reports 1. Read access to the assigned DB and the report groups/folders

5)    Processes

5.1)      Add/Change User Accounts

5.1.1    Requester obtains a copy of the User Accounts Maintenance Form from the Systems Administrator. Fill in the following information and submit it to the Systems Owner

o   Personal Details

o   Application

o   Data Base

o   Selected Security Profile

o   Reasons/business justification

5.1.2    On receipt, the Systems Owner reviews the requested profile, and the justification, and approves/disapproves the request.

5.1.3    Approved request should be forwarded to the systems administrator for processing. Any disapproved request should be sent back to the requester stating the reasons of disapproval.

5.1.4    Systems Administrator, on receipt of the approved request, use the admin id and password to logon to the application and make the changes

5.1.5        Print out the screen where it shows the new setting or changes

5.1.6        File the screen print together with the request form.

5.1.7    Email the requester and copy to the systems owner of the completion of the request together with the login information/instructions.

5.2       Delete user Accounts

5.2.1    Once a month, the systems administrator should check with the HRM of each site as to whether any active users have left the organization.

If HR confirms a user as “left”, the systems administrator complete the Hyperion User Maintenance Form and send to the system owner via email.

On receipt of the approval from the systems owner, the systems administrator removes the accounts from all systems components and informs the systems owner of completion. File all of the communications.

5.2.2    At times, Site HR or Site IT may inform the Systems Administrator of the employee termination, same process as described, should be followed.

Appendices A

Hyperion User Accounts Maintenance Form

(A)      Requester Information                                     Action: Add/Change/Delete

Name: Location:
Department: Position:
Phone Ext: Windows Logon ID:


(B)      Access Rights


Please         circle the selection.

Applications: Hyperion
Database: Db
Security Profile 1. Ordinary User
2. Super User
3. Application Owner
4. Systems Administrator


Please circle the selection.

Applications: Hyperion
Database Db
Report Groups/Folders Please specify the report group/folder you wish to access


Justification/Remarks:Use this to specify the reasons for requesting the new id and/or changes

(C)      Approval Process

Requested by:Name:


Approved/Disapproved by:Name:


Processed by:_______________________Name:



Project Plan for an EDI integration project between MFG/PRO and SAP

1         Project Plan

1.1       Executive Summary

This project is to implement EDI function between China Factory’s MFG/PRO and Hong Kong Office’s SAP. The scope includes the ordering messages, invoicing message and accounting message. The project is planned to start in Dec 2001 and target to complete in Jan 2002. Read More

Guideline for use of IT infrastructure


  • Never give your password to anyone else.
  • Lock desktop or log out of network if leaving your desk for longer periods (e.g. meetings, lunch).
  • Do not leave your notebook unattended, particularly after office hours.
  • Never connect a third party to the network, do not dial in with a PC connected to the Company network.
  • Do not use your company notebook at home for dialing into a local Internet provider.
  • Restrict use of local administrator rights on desktops/notebooks.
  • Confidential or secret information must be sent in messages specifically marked as “confidential” or “secret” Notes feature.

Read More