1. Background and Definitions
Under the Occupational Safety and Health (Display Screen Equipment DSE) Regulation (Cap.509B) in Hong Kong, as an employer and person responsible for workplace, the company has a duty to ensure that a safe, healthy Workstation is made available to Users. The following definitions are assigned to the capitalised terms in this summary.
(a) “Display Screen Equipment” is a display screen which shows letters, numbers, characters, or graphics (hereinafter referred as “DSE”). Therefore, it should be highlighted that this term does not only apply to computer monitors.
(b) “User” is an employee as required to use DSE for a prolonged period of time.
(c) “Workstation” is an assembly of:
(i) DSE;
(ii) any chair, desk, work surface, printer, document holder or other item peripheral to the DSE; and
(iii) immediate working environment around the DSE.
2. Guidelines issued by the Labour Department in relation to Workstation.
It is recommended that all departments should apply the following guidelines in assessing the Workstations.
(a) Features and layout of a workstation
Please refer to the diagram in the following page for a simple illustration.
It is recommended that the diagram should be distributed to Users.
(b) Screen
clear, sharp, steady image
characters are of adequate size, adequate spacing between the characters and the lines
brightness and contrast of the image should be easily adjustable
can be swiveled and tilted (adjustable) to suit the needs of user
(c) Keyboard
Tiltable and detachable from display screen
Surfaces of keyboard should be non-reflective
Letters and symbols on the key tops are legible
Sufficient space in front of the keyboard to provide support for hands
(d) Work surface
Large enough for peripheral equipment
Height of the work surface should suit the needs of user
Adequate legroom below work surface
(e) Chair
Backrest adjustable
Sean pan of appropriate hardness
Arm rest does not interfere with keyboard operation
Stable base
(f) Footrest
Stable footrest should be made available to the user if the chair is too high for the fee to rest firmly on the floor.
(g) Illumination
General lighting or task lighting should be suitably provided (in general around 300 – 500 lux).
(h) Reflections and glare
should be avoided
(i) Noise
Noise produced by the workstation should be controlled (below 60dB(A))
Above is a mere summary of the guidelines. Please refer to the “A Health Guide on Working with Display Screen Equipment” pamphlet issued by Labour Department for more detailed illustrations as below.